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Science teacher here to share concise and detailed resources! I have been tutoring/teaching for 5+ years and worked as a content creator for various online education sites including MyVideoTutor & Oxbridge Learning




Science teacher here to share concise and detailed resources! I have been tutoring/teaching for 5+ years and worked as a content creator for various online education sites including MyVideoTutor & Oxbridge Learning
Digestion & Absorption (AQA A-Level Biology 3.3.3)

Digestion & Absorption (AQA A-Level Biology 3.3.3)

A powerpoint outlining all the key details of the 3.3.3 section of the AQA A-Level Biology specification for Digestion & Absorption. Includes keywords, diagrams, recap questions, exam questions and further thinkning questions. Structure of Digestive System * Different parts and their functions Digestion * Carbohydrates (amylases and membrane-bound disacharidases) * Proteins (endo-/exo-peptidases & dipeptidases) * Lipids (lipases & action of bile salts) Absoprtion * Monosacharides & Amino Acids via co-transport in ileum * Triglycerides and the role of micelles and chylomicrons
GCSE Biology - The Immune System

GCSE Biology - The Immune System

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on The Immune System A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: What is the immune system? Non-specific defences (skin, respiratory system and digestive system) Antigens and Antibodies White blood cells Lines of specific defence - phagocytosis, antibodies and antitoxins Practise Questions Need another lesson from this topic? Check out our other downloads below: 1 - Communicable Diseases 2 - The Immune System 3 - Vaccines 4 - Antibiotics & Drugs 5 - Monoclonal Antibodies 6 - Plant Disease & Defence Searching for lessons from other GCSE Biology topics? Find them all below: Unit 1 - Cell Biology Unit 2 - Organization Unit 3 - Infection & Response Unit 4 - Bioenergetics Unit 5 - Homeostasis & Response Unit 6 - Inheritance, Variation & Evolution Unit 7 - Ecology
GCSE Biology - Decay

GCSE Biology - Decay

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Decay A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: The concept of decay (role of detrivores) Factors affecting decomposition (temperature, water availability, oxygen, presence of decomposers/detrivores) Using decay to make compost (use as a fertilizer) Best conditions for decay How to design a compost bin Making Biogas (production of methane) Exam Practise
GCSE Biology - Vaccines

GCSE Biology - Vaccines

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Vaccines A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: How vaccines work Passive vs Active Immunity Herd Immunity Worldwide vaccination programmes & Covid-19 Advantages and Disadvantages of vaccines Practise Questions Need another lesson from this topic? Check out our other downloads below: 1 - Communicable Diseases 2 - The Immune System 3 - Vaccines 4 - Antibiotics & Drugs 5 - Monoclonal Antibodies 6 - Plant Disease & Defence Searching for lessons from other GCSE Biology topics? Find them all below: Unit 1 - Cell Biology Unit 2 - Organization Unit 3 - Infection & Response Unit 4 - Bioenergetics Unit 5 - Homeostasis & Response Unit 6 - Inheritance, Variation & Evolution Unit 7 - Ecology
GCSE Biology - Biodiversity and Waste Management

GCSE Biology - Biodiversity and Waste Management

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Biodiversity and Waste Management A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: What is Biodiversity Managing Waste Land Pollution (from landfill and from toxic chemicals) Water Pollution (from sewage, fertiliser or toxic chemicals) Air Pollution (from smoke and acidic gases) The impact of pollution on biodiveristy Exam Practise
GCSE Biology - Evolution, Variation & Speciation

GCSE Biology - Evolution, Variation & Speciation

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Evolution, Variation & Speciation A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Variation (Genetics vs. Environment) Evolution: Lamarck & Early Ideas Evolution: Charles Darwin and Natural Selection Evolution: Accepting Darwin’s Ideas and Alfred Russel Wallace’s Contribution Speciation
GCSE Geography Managing Tectonic Hazards

GCSE Geography Managing Tectonic Hazards

A carefully laid out and concise lesson / revision resource on Managing Tectonic Hazards topic for AQA This download includes a Powerpoint, 2x Activity Sheets & a Worksheet Powerpoint includes: Monitoring: Volcanoes: Use of seismometers, tilt meters, remote sensing, gas sensors Earthquakes: Seismometers, Gas sensors, Ground water levels Prediction Volcanoes: easier to predict, allows for quicker evacuation, uses same tools as monitoring Earthquakes: very hard, can use seismic gap theory, animals heave strangely, uses same tools as monitoring Planning Volcanoes: Evacuation plan, Training, Educate residents Earthquakes: Stick furniture and objects down, Evacuation plans, Education e.g. earthquake drills, Prepare emergency aid, Training for emergency services Protection Volcanoes: little can be done, make sure evacuation plans are in place Earthquakes: Buildings can be designed to be earthquake proof e.g. Shutters on windows prevent falling glass, Cross-bracing, Foundations sunk into the bedrock, Rubber shock absorbers Activity explanation and exam question with model answer Summary slide The activity sheets are: A ‘Design a Hazard Mangement Plan’ worksheet giving students to come up with their own response to a tectonic hazard of their choice A ‘How to design an earthquake proof building’ worksheet Full instructions on how to use included. Estimated to take 15-20 minutes The worksheet covers key concepts from the lesson displayed in an engaging format. Estimated to take 10-15 minutes. This is the fifth and final lesson in the Tectonic Hazards topic. The other lessons can be found below: 1. Natural Hazards & Plate Tectonics 2. Plate Boundaries 3. Nepal & Italy Case Studies for HIC & LIC earthquakes 4. Living Near Tectonic Hazards
GCSE Biology - The Kidneys

GCSE Biology - The Kidneys

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on The Kidneys (Maintaining Water & Nitrogen Balance in the Body) A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Why is balancing water concentration important? Waste products and how the body deals with them (e.g. water, CO2, ions & urea) The breakdown of excess amino acids to Urea in the liver The structure of the kidney and how it produces urine (flitration and selective reabsorption) with annotated diagrams How ADH controls the amount of water reabsorbed by the kidneys & negative feedback loops Kidney failure Kidney Dialysis Kidney Transplant Practise Questions
GCSE Biology - Pyramids of Biomass & Trophic Levels

GCSE Biology - Pyramids of Biomass & Trophic Levels

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Pyramids of Biomass & Trophic Levels A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Trophic Levels How to read Pyramids of Biomass and key features Why is there energy loss between trophic levels (not all eaten, not all absorbed, faeces, respiration etc.) Working with biomass (concept of dry biomass) Calculating efficiency of biomass transfers Drawing pyramids of biomass Decomposers Exam Practise
GCSE Geography Plate Boundaries

GCSE Geography Plate Boundaries

A carefully laid out and concise lesson / revision resource on Plate Boundaries from the Tectonic Hazards topic for AQA Download includes a Powerpoint, Activity Sheet & Worksheet Powerpoint includes: The 3 types of plate margins Constructive plate margins * Main processes that occur, earthquakes, volcanoes, formation of ocean ridges and rift valleys, real life example Destructive plate margins * Main processes that occur, earthquakes, volcanoes, formation of ocean trenches and fold mountains, real life example Conservative plate margins * Main processes that occur, earthquakes, real life example Summary table of the 3 plate margins Difference between shield and compositive volcanoes Earthquakes, how they occur, how they are measured, the Richter & Mercalli scales, seismometers Activity explanation, practise questions and exam questions Summary slide The activity sheet is a 2 truths 1 lie activity, designed to help students to understand key concepts in small groups. Full instructions on how to use included. Estimated to take 10 minutes The worksheet covers key concepts from the lesson displayed in an engaing format. Estimated to take 10-15 minutes. This is the second lesson in the Tectonic Hazards topic. The other lessons can be found below: 1. Natural Hazards & Plate Tectonics
GCSE Biology - Global Warming and Maintaining Biodiversity

GCSE Biology - Global Warming and Maintaining Biodiversity

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Global Warming and Maintaining Biodiversity A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Greenhouse Gases Concept of Global Warming & Cliamte Change Human impact on greenhoue gas emissions Why climate change is a complex topic to study Biological Consequences of Global Warming (loss of habitat, changes in distribution, changes in migration, reduced biodiversity, changes in weather) Ways to maintain biodiversity in the face of change (breeding programmes, protection of rare habitats, reintroduction of hedgerows, reduction of deforestation and carbon dioxide emissions, recycling resources rather than dumping waste in landfill) Exam pracise questions
GCSE Biology Homeostasis & Response (Unit 5)

GCSE Biology Homeostasis & Response (Unit 5)

9 Resources
All revision notes for GCSE Biology Unit 3 - Infection & Response 1 - Communicable Diseases 2 - The Immune System 3 - Vaccines 4 - Antibiotics & Drugs 5 - Monoclonal Antibodies 6 - Plant Disease & Defence Powerpoint have detailed notes covering all content from the topic including key practical and maths skills. Each powerpoint has practise exam questions and a summary page Searching for lessons from other GCSE Biology topics? Find them all below: Unit 1 - Cell Biology Unit 2 - Organization Unit 3 - Infection & Response Unit 4 - Bioenergetics Unit 5 - Homeostasis & Response Unit 6 - Inheritance, Variation & Evolution Unit 7 - Ecology Click here to visit our shop for more resources!
GCSE Biology - Cloning

GCSE Biology - Cloning

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Cloning A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: What is Cloning? Types of cloning * Cuttings * Tissue Cultures * Embryo Cloning * Adult Cell Cloning Risks and benefits of cloning
GCSE Biology Required Practical 9

GCSE Biology Required Practical 9

A lesson / revision PowerPoint covering all information needed and containing informative slides and practise questions Required Practical 9 - To measure the population size of a common species in a habitat and use sampling techniques to investigate the effect of a factor on the distribution of this species This powerpoint covers AT 1 (use appropriate apparatus to record length and area), AT 3 (use transect lines and quadrats to measure distribution of a species), AT 4 (safe and ethical use of organisms and response to a factor in the environment), AT 6 (application of appropriate sampling techniques to investigate the distribution and abundance of organisms in an ecosystem via direct use in the field), AT 8 (use of appropriate techniques in more complex contexts including continuous sampling in an investigation) and includes all practical and mathmatical skills required. The powerpoint covers: Background on Ecology and ecosystems and using quadrats & transects Aim Required apparatus A suitable method to investigate population size and investigate the effect of a factor on the distribution of a species Appropraite sampling techniques e.g. random & systematic and when to use them How to calculate percentage cover How to calculate mean, median, mode and range How to calculate area of irregular shapes to estimate population size How to work with quadrats of different sizes in exam questions How to calculate percentage change Past paper exam questions Summary
GCSE Biology - Land Use & Deforestation

GCSE Biology - Land Use & Deforestation

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Land Use & Deforestation A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: How humans reduce land use (building, quarrying, farming, dumping waste) Deforestation * Reasons for it * Consequences of deforestation (reduced biodiversity, more CO2 in atmosphere, more methane, creation of monocultures etc.) Peat Bogs * Their importance * What happens when beat bogs are destroyed Exam Practise
GCSE Biology - Adaptations

GCSE Biology - Adaptations

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Adaptations A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Types of Adaptations (Structural, behavioural & functional) Adaptations in animals (Polar bear, artic fox, camels) Adaptations in plants (Marram grass, cactus) Extremophiles (Bacteria in deep sea vents and other examples) Exam Practise Need another lesson from this topic? Check out our other downloads below: Save with the Unit 7 Lessons BUNDLE 1 - Intro to Ecology 2 - Ada 3 - Food Chains & Predator Prey Cycles 4 - Trophic Levels & Pyramids of Biomass 5 - Quadrats & Transects 6 - The Carbon & Water Cycles 7 - Decay 8 - Biodiveristy & Waste Management 9 - Land Use & Deforestation 10 - Global Warming & Maintaining Biodiveristy 11 - Food Security, Farming & Fishing 12 - Biotechnology Searching for lessons from other GCSE Biology topics? Find them all below: Unit 1 - Cell Biology Unit 2 - Organization Unit 3 - Infection & Response Unit 4 - Bioenergetics Unit 5 - Homeostasis & Response Unit 6 - Inheritance, Variation & Evolution Unit 7 - Ecology
GCSE Biology Organisation WORKSHEETS

GCSE Biology Organisation WORKSHEETS

A pack of 7 worksheets for the GCSE Biology topic of Organisation A carefully laid out and well presented worksheet designed for students to take 10-15 minutes to consolidate their knowledge from this topic. All worksheets are either 1 or 2 pages (see below) and can therefore be printed on 1 sheet of a4 paper Each worksheet comes with a fully annotated answer sheet. This pack includes worksheets on: 1 - Enzymes & Metabolism (1 page) 2 - Digestion (2 pages) 3 - The heart & Blood Vessels (2 pages) 4 - The Lungs & Blood Composition (2 pages) 5 - CHD & Health Issues (2 pages) 6 - Effect of Lifestyle on Disease & Cancer (2 pages) 7 - Plant Tissues (2 pages) Need lessons to accompany these worksheets? Check out each lesson below: 1 - Enzymes & Metabolism 2 - Digestion 3 - The heart & Blood Vessels 4 - The Lungs & Blood Composition 5 - CHD & Health Issues 6 - Effect of Lifestyle on Disease & Cancer 7 - Plant Tissues #1 8 - Plant Tissues #2 Click here to visit our shop for more resources!
GCSE Biology - Meiosis & Reproduction

GCSE Biology - Meiosis & Reproduction

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Meiosis & Reproduction A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Comparrison of sexual & asexual reproduction Basics on chromosomes, gametes, diploid vs. haploid etc An explanation of types of gametes (animals & plants) and fertilization The process of meisois Meiosis vs. Mitosis The advantages of both sexual & asexual reproduction Examples of organisms that can reproduce both sexually & asexually
GCSE Biology - Cell Structure

GCSE Biology - Cell Structure

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Cell Structure A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes Structure of animal cells Structure of plant cells Structure of bacterial cells Comparrison table between all three