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Suffolk Archives

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We look after over 900 years' worth of Suffolk's history. Are resources are packed with amazing finds from our archives to bring history to life.

We look after over 900 years' worth of Suffolk's history. Are resources are packed with amazing finds from our archives to bring history to life.
Thomas Clarkson, Anti-Slavery Campaigner

Thomas Clarkson, Anti-Slavery Campaigner

This resource uses primary sources from Suffolk Archives collections to explore the life and ideas of the abolitionist Thomas Clarkson (1760-1846), and endeavours to place him within wider context of abolition movements. Sources include: extracts from Clarkson’s ‘Essay on the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species’, illustrations from Clarkson’s publication of the Brookes slave ship, extracts from public letters between Clarkson and Benjamin Greene, who was a slave owner, and an advert from a Haverhill grocer who was boycotting West Indian sugar.