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Templates for Writing Forms (Social Media, Messaging, Newspapers and more!)

Templates for Writing Forms (Social Media, Messaging, Newspapers and more!)

Perfect for enhancing writing tasks, these writing forms templates are perfect for helping to relate to students using a variety of writing forms that they are familiar with. Visually engaging and accurate, these templates can be used across the curriculum, enriching students' writing experiences whilst simultaneously proving their knowledge of texts, characters, key skills, and other learning. Included: - Social media page template - Tabloid newspaper template - Broadsheet newspaper template - Online blogger template - Email template - Whatsapp/messenger template - Postcard template. Most of these documents can be easily edited to suit your students' needs. Please note: All pictures are licensed for commercial use, details of authors can be provided upon the request.
Descriptive Devices - Knowing the Words Inside Out! (Helpsheets, Posters and Worksheet Templates)

Descriptive Devices - Knowing the Words Inside Out! (Helpsheets, Posters and Worksheet Templates)

These colourful, engaging and informative posters/ help-sheets are perfect to help your students gain a broad and deep understanding of each of the key descriptive devices, thus vastly improving their textual analysis and enhancing their creative writing attempts. Each sheet displays the key word in the middle, and then answers some of the key questions surrounding the words, including: - What does it mean? - How many syllables does it have? - What are examples of it? - How do I spell it? - When would I use this? - What type of word is it? - Where does the word come from? There are sheets for: Similes, Metaphors, Hyperbole, Adjectives, Adverbs, Alliteration, Onomatopoeia, Verbs, Personification, and Verbs. These can be used as help-sheets as students write (my students love this) or blown up to A3 to use as classroom posters. I have also provided blank templates for each word, so that students can fill in the everything that they know about the words themselves, which makes for an excellent starter, plenary, or recap activity.
Descriptive Writing - Full Assessment including Insert and Mark Scheme

Descriptive Writing - Full Assessment including Insert and Mark Scheme

I have recently taught a descriptive writing unit, and devised this assessment to gauge how students descriptive skills have progressed over the term. It includes the question paper, the mark scheme, and the reading insert. Formal enough to ensure that the students took the assessment seriously, but engaging enough to ensure that all students wanted to complete all of the tasks, (they hate some of the practice exam questions that exam boards provide on the past papers) all of my students seemed to enjoy completing this more than they normally enjoy assessments! The assessment is designed to gauge students' skill in: - Defining and giving examples of descriptive devices; - Identifying descriptive devices in texts; - Analysing the effect of descriptive writing in a vivid description of a 'Nightmare World.' - Creating their own descriptive piece about a their own nightmare world. This lesson can either be bought individually, or as part of the Descriptive Writing Big Bundle (which works out cheaper.)
Pointless - Building Adjectives Edition

Pointless - Building Adjectives Edition

Based on the popular game show 'Pointless', this resource is perfect for use as a starter activity, plenary, or revision tool. Editable, so that you can change to any other topic or change the questions/answers. Containing almost 30 slides of sound clips, engaging visuals, and suitably challenging questions, this resource is effective at both promoting engagement and enhancing learning. There are several full rounds of questions to build students' understanding of adjectives, including: 1. Finding synonyms of dull adjectives 2. Defining adjectives 3. Unscrambling anagrams of adjectives 4. Finding the most complex and interesting adjectives. The nature of the game ensures that this resource can challenge students of all levels. NOTE: You can buy this resource alone, or in a bundle of 8 Pointless games, for only £1 more!
Writing Purposes - Helpsheets/Posters for Literacy and English

Writing Purposes - Helpsheets/Posters for Literacy and English

These handy helpsheets have been employed by teachers across the curriculum to aid students completing extended writing tasks for a particular purpose. There are helpsheets for: - Informing - Describing - Analysing - Arguing - Explaining - Evaluating - Persuading - Instructing Each helpsheet defines the aim of the writing purpose, details the key writing features to be used, offers sentence starters, and gives a short example of the writing purpose, alongside other hints and tips. These helpsheets have also been blown up to A3 or A2 size to become engaging and interactive literacy across the curriculum posters.
Literacy Writing Mat (Openers, Vocabulary, Connectives, Punctuation, Common Mistakes)

Literacy Writing Mat (Openers, Vocabulary, Connectives, Punctuation, Common Mistakes)

This is the perfect resource for teachers looking to build students writing skills across the curriculum. Aiding students in the four key areas of their writing (Openers, Vocabulary, Connectives, and Punctuation) and also addressing a few common writing mistakes, my students now ask for this whenever they are asked to complete writing tasks, in any of their subjects. It is extremely visually engaging, and can also be used as a poster. Nothing needs to be done to this resource. It is already in A3. Simply print off and laminate. Alternatively, you can buy the Descriptive Writing Big Bundle (All descriptive devices lessons, structuring and organising writing lesson, capturing the readers attention lesson, and the literacy writing mat) for £4.
Land Art/ Earth Art Project - Lesson 4 - Evaluating!

Land Art/ Earth Art Project - Lesson 4 - Evaluating!

This engaging and purposeful series of lessons enables children to gradually develop towards creating their own land art/ Earth sculptures. The resources were originally created to guide children towards creating art in the school grounds and a local forest, but the resources can easily be adapted to fit your own particular local landscapes. This fourth and final lesson helps children to evaluate their land art through: -Thinking about what they planned to achieve in my land art; -Considering the process and outcome of my land art; -Weighing up the strengths and development areas within my land art piece. Included is a clearly-structured evaluation template and an eye-catching and comprehensive PowerPoint presentation - in combination these resources guide children towards producing thorough and thoughtful evaluations of their land art compositions. These lessons were originally created for children in year 2, but may be adapted for slightly older and younger year groups.
All About Caves - KS2 Non-Fiction Reading Comprehension!

All About Caves - KS2 Non-Fiction Reading Comprehension!

This whole class reading session aims to develop children’s fluency and comprehension skills through reading an information factfile about caves. It includes information about how caves are formed, use of caves, cave wildlife and well-known examples of caves. The reading is followed by a series of activities aiming to develop children’s VIPERS skills: vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval, sequencing and summarising. It also contains a vocabulary check immediately after the extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language. The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions and deeper thinking activities. The extract needed is provided in both PDF and Word format. The session is best suited for children across KS2, I have previously used the resources with years 3, 4, and 5.
All About Newts - KS2 Non-Fiction Reading Comprehension!

All About Newts - KS2 Non-Fiction Reading Comprehension!

This whole class reading session aims to develop children’s fluency and comprehension skills through reading an information factfile about newts (the text is two A4 sides in length). The reading is followed by a series of activities aiming to develop children’s VIPERS skills: vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval, sequencing and summarising. It also contains a vocabulary check immediately after the extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language. The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions and deeper thinking activities. The extract needed is provided in both PDF and Word format. The session is best suited for children across KS2, I have previously used the resources with years 3, 4, and 5.
DT Mechanisms - Wheels and Axles - Making!

DT Mechanisms - Wheels and Axles - Making!

This engaging and purposeful series of lessons enables children to gradually develop towards constructing vehicles using wheels and axles. The resources were originally created to guide children towards building safari buggies, but the resources can easily be adapted to fit your own particular project. This is the third lesson in the series, which focuses on making the wheel, axle and enables children to: -Recall how wheel and axle mechanisms work; -Recall key terminology relating to wheel and axle mechanisms; -Understand a clear design brief; -Understand how to put together a chassis, different types of wheel/ axle fixings and washers; -Test and improve their base vehicle. The resource is made up of a 12-slide PowerPoint presentation. These lessons were originally created for children in years 2 and 3, but may be adapted for slightly older and younger year groups.
DT Mechanisms - Wheels and Axles - Evaluating!

DT Mechanisms - Wheels and Axles - Evaluating!

This engaging and purposeful series of lessons enables children to gradually develop towards constructing vehicles using wheels and axles. The resources were originally created to guide children towards building safari buggies, but the resources can easily be adapted to fit your own particular project. This is the fifth and final lesson in the series, in which children focus on evaluating their products. They: -Recall how wheel and axle mechanisms work; -Recall key terminology relating to wheel and axle mechanisms; -Understand which skills and knowledge they will need in order to successfully evaluate products; -Use a clear evaluation template and success criteria to evaluate their own products. The resource is made up of a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation and the evaluation template. These lessons were originally created for children in years 2 and 3, but may be adapted for slightly older and younger year groups.
EYFS Online Safety Knowledge Organiser!

EYFS Online Safety Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for children in EYFS (and their teachers and parents) to support their learning about online safety. The organiser aligns with each of the ‘Education for a Connected World’ strands: -Self-Image and Identity; -Online Relationships; -Online Reputation; -Online Bullying; -Managing Online Information; -Health, Wellbeing and Lifestyle; -Privacy and Security; -Copyright and Ownership. A section at the bottom of the page lists the key vocabulary relating to online safety that children should be able to define and exemplify at this stage. The resource is bright and engaging, utilising images, acronyms and diagrams to support understanding of key concepts. The resource is designed to be printed onto either A4 or A3, and is provided as both a PDF (to protect formatting) and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use.
Jamie Oliver - Reading Comprehension Session!

Jamie Oliver - Reading Comprehension Session!

This whole class reading session aims to develop children’s fluency and comprehension skills, whilst enabling them to gain a deeper understanding of the life of Jamie Oliver, through reading a short, age-appropriate non-fiction text about his life and achievements. The reading is followed by a series of activities aiming to develop children’s retrieval, explanation, inference, prediction and summarising skills. It also contains a vocabulary check immediately after the extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language. The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions and deeper thinking activities. The text has been adapted from a web source to ensure that it is clear and age-appropriate. It is provided in both PDF and Word, so that you can make any additional alterations should you wish to. The session is best suited for children in years 2-4, although with minor adaptations it could feasibly be used with slightly younger and older year groups.
Audley End House - Reading Comprehension Session!

Audley End House - Reading Comprehension Session!

This whole class reading session aims to develop children’s fluency and comprehension skills, whilst enabling them to gain a deeper understanding of Audley End House, through reading a short, age-appropriate non-fiction text about its construction, history and important features. The reading is followed by a series of activities aiming to develop children’s retrieval, explanation, inference, prediction and summarising skills. It also contains a vocabulary check immediately after the extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language. The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions and deeper thinking activities. The text has been adapted from a web source to ensure that it is clear and age-appropriate. It is provided in both PDF and Word, so that you can make any additional alterations should you wish to. The session is best suited for children in years 3-4, although with minor adaptations it could feasibly be used with slightly younger and older year groups.
Writing Recounts - Lesson 4 - Creating Cohesion!

Writing Recounts - Lesson 4 - Creating Cohesion!

This engaging and purposeful lesson is the fourth in a series of lessons that enable children to gradually build towards composing an effective, well-structured recount. This lesson focuses on helping children to create cohesion in their writing. Whilst this series guides children towards writing a recount about an imaginary safari, the resources could be reasonably adapted to suit your own chosen topic. The eye-catching and comprehensive PowerPoint presentation (19 slides) guides teachers and children along the following learning journey: -Knowledge recall - revisiting what children already know about recounts; -SPAG starter: Time connectives; -Understanding other features that contribute to cohesion in written texts; -Identifying good and bad examples of cohesion in texts; -Following a model example to develop cohesion within the remainder of their written compositions; -Reflecting on their learning from across the lesson. These lessons were originally created for children in lower Key Stage 2 (Years 3 and 4).
Writing Recounts - Lesson 3 - Writing the Opening!

Writing Recounts - Lesson 3 - Writing the Opening!

This engaging and purposeful lesson is the third in a series of lessons that enable children to gradually build towards composing an effective, well-structured recount. This lesson focuses on guiding children through writing the opening section of the recount. Whilst this series guides children towards writing a recount about an imaginary safari, the resources could be reasonably adapted to suit your own chosen topic. The eye-catching and comprehensive PowerPoint presentation (18 slides) guides teachers and children along the following learning journey: -Knowledge recall - revisiting what children already know about recounts; -SPAG starter: Expanded noun phrases; -Understanding how prepositions can aid us in expanding sentences; -Exploring different sentence lengths and orders; -Following a model example to develop effective sentences within the first paragraph; -Reflecting on their learning from across the lesson. These lessons were originally created for children in lower Key Stage 2 (Years 3 and 4).
Y1 Addition and Subtraction to 10 - Maths Knowledge Organiser!

Y1 Addition and Subtraction to 10 - Maths Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for Year 1 teachers, parents and children when covering ‘Addition and Subtraction’ in mathematics. The content is organised into the following sections: -Overview: Learning areas covered, key definitions, why this learning is important; -Counting On and Counting Back; -Number Bonds; -Part-Whole Models and Bar Models; -Key vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto either A3 or A4, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
Y1 Multiplication and Division - Maths Knowledge Organiser!

Y1 Multiplication and Division - Maths Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for Year 1 teachers, parents and children when covering ‘Multiplication and Division’ in mathematics. The content is organised into the following sections: -Overview: Learning areas covered, key definitions, why this learning is important; -Count in 2s, Count in 5s, Count in 10s; -Grouping and Sharing; -Arrays and Doubling; -Key Vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto either A3 or A4, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
Y1 Number and Place Value to 20 - Maths Knowledge Organiser!

Y1 Number and Place Value to 20 - Maths Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for Year 1 teachers, parents and children when covering ‘Place Value’ in mathematics. The content is organised into the following sections: -Overview: Learning areas covered, key definitions, why this learning is important; -Numerals and Words to 20; -Counting One More and One Less; -Comparing and Ordering; -Counting in Twos; -Representations; -Key vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto either A3 or A4, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).
Y1 Number and Place Value to 50 - Maths Knowledge Organiser!

Y1 Number and Place Value to 50 - Maths Knowledge Organiser!

This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for Year 1 teachers, parents and children when covering ‘Place Value’ in mathematics. The content is organised into the following sections: -Overview: Learning areas covered, key definitions, why this learning is important; -Numerals and Words to 50; -Counting One More and One Less; -Comparing and Ordering; -Counting in Twos and Fives; -Representations; -Key vocabulary. The resource is designed to be printed onto either A3 or A4, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).