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I am an assistant head who has over 10 years teaching experience. I have created resources to support you with your own wellbeing and to help you manage a healthy work-life balance so that you can focus on your class. You will find a variety of lessons and templates to support your year group as well as the whole school. I hope you enjoy these well designed sessions.

I am an assistant head who has over 10 years teaching experience. I have created resources to support you with your own wellbeing and to help you manage a healthy work-life balance so that you can focus on your class. You will find a variety of lessons and templates to support your year group as well as the whole school. I hope you enjoy these well designed sessions.
Year 3 Writing Assessment and Moderation Checklist

Year 3 Writing Assessment and Moderation Checklist

All of the Year 3 objectives on one handy sheet! The sheet is spit into Below, Expected and Greater Depth statements with easy colour coding to seperate transcription, grammar and composition statements. Useful as a planning tool: to see what needs revisiting or even planning altogether, as well as assessing and planning for progress. I would use one sheet per child but this is not necessary. All reviews are welcome. You might also like to see other year group writing assessments on my online shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Teach_wise or alternatively you might want to save money and buy each year groups in one handy bundle: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13012758
Year 2 and 6 Writing Assessment  and Moderation Checklist

Year 2 and 6 Writing Assessment and Moderation Checklist

All of the Year 2 and 6 objectives from the statutary guidance on one handy sheet! The sheet is spit into Below, Expected and Greater Depth statements with easy colour coding to seperate transcription, grammar and composition statements. Useful as a planning tool: to see what needs revisiting or even planning altogether, as well as assessing and planning for progress. I would use one sheet per child but this is not necessary. All reviews are welcome. You might also like to see other year group writing assessments on my online shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Teach_wise or** alternatively you might want to save money and buy each year groups in one handy inexpensive bundle:** https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13012758
Pupil Progress Meeting Data Pack Analysis

Pupil Progress Meeting Data Pack Analysis

This clear tool allows anyone - teacher, phase leader and SLT - to track the termly progress of pupils in every class/year group. There are three data drops: Term 2, 4 and 6. This editable tracker is based off of using Target Tracker but is adaptable for any platform you use, even if it is you completing the tracking based off of test scores. There are seven main sections: TARGETS PROGRESS AND CONVERSION RATES ATTAINMENT % at ARE SPAG (Y6 Only) DISADVANTAGED PUPILS PUPIL PROGRESS MEETING This useful and concise document will give you a clear summary of where your children are working at, who is making expected progress (or hopefully exceeding that), summaries of interventions, Pupil Premium, disadvantaged and SEN children. With this great data pack you will clearly be able to identify children who have gaps and need to make accelerated progress. Go to your pupil progress meetings with all the knowledge you need about your children. You may also like my handy, inexpensive excel spreadsheet to track scores of children’s tests scores: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/excel-sats-test-score-assessment-tracker-13013344 How about my writing assessment sheets for all years (currently part of a money saving bundle): https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/writing-assessment-checklist-for-whole-school-13012758 Finally, you may like my speaking and listening assessment resources for the whole school: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/progressive-speaking-and-listening-assessment-tools-for-whole-school-13012777 Reviews are welcomed.
Year 4 Writing Assessment and Moderation Ticklist

Year 4 Writing Assessment and Moderation Ticklist

All of the Year 4 objectives on one handy sheet! The sheet is spit into Below, Expected and Greater Depth statements with easy colour coding to seperate transcription, grammar and composition statements. Useful as a planning tool: to see what needs revisiting or even planning altogether, as well as assessing and planning for progress. I would use one sheet per child but this is not necessary. All reviews are welcome. You might also like to see other year group writing assessments on my online shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Teach_wise or alternatively you might want to save money and buy each year groups in one handy bundle!
Writing Assessment Checklist for Whole School

Writing Assessment Checklist for Whole School

6 Resources
All of the writing objectives on one handy sheet for every year group! Each year group is spit into Below, Expected and Greater Depth statements with easy colour coding to seperate transcription, grammar and composition statements. Useful as a planning tool: to see what needs revisiting or even planning altogether, as well as assessing and planning for progress. I would use one sheet per child but this is not necessary. All reviews are welcome. You may also find my free editing guidance resource useful: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/editing-guidance-resource-and-marking-for-writing-lessons-13012677
Year 5 Writing Assessment and Moderation Checklist

Year 5 Writing Assessment and Moderation Checklist

All of the Year 5 objectives on one handy sheet! The sheet is spit into Below, Expected and Greater Depth statements with easy colour coding to seperate transcription, grammar and composition statements. Useful as a planning tool: to see what needs revisiting or even planning altogether, as well as assessing and planning for progress. I would use one sheet per child but this is not necessary. All reviews are welcome. You might also like to see other year group writing assessments on my online shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Teach_wise or alternatively you might want to save money and buy each year groups in one handy bundle!
Subject Leadership Monitoring Forms, Evaluation Schedule and Supporting Questions

Subject Leadership Monitoring Forms, Evaluation Schedule and Supporting Questions

This is a set of templates needed to complete your subject leadership monitoring. They can be used as they are or edited to make it more specialist for your subject and school. All ready to go with a suggested evaluation schedule, including when to complete monitoring, OFSTED supporting deep dive questions from training sessions and discussion prompts for middle leaders. Download these to save yourself time setting up templates for: Monitoring report Questions for Pupil Interview Subject Leader Progress Reports Lesson Observation Proforma Work Scrutiny Proforma – 2 templates Action Plans You can find my many more reliable and time-saving resources at my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Teach_wise All reviews welcome.
Year 6 Writing 6 Week Unit - The Savage David Almond Narrative and Non Fiction

Year 6 Writing 6 Week Unit - The Savage David Almond Narrative and Non Fiction

A whole terms English unit including: learning journey, resources, models of excellence, powerpoints and scaffolds, based on the story of The Savage by David Almond. In particular, boys have really enjoyed this writing unit and have thrived with their writing. This unit of writing includes a character description, suspense writing, diary entry and a newspaper report. During an apprentice write there is also a unit including the Literacy Shed video ‘Little Freak’ so that they can compare these characters. An extremely emotive video and used effectively. Each week is structured with 1. features of writing 2. generating vocabulary 3. SPAG skills needed 4. apprentice writes 5. chance to independently embed these skills. The Savage is also available on PDF format online, so you don’t even need the book to start this writing unit off! I hope you have as much fun with this unit as I did! You might also find my week guided reading useful: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/david-almond-guided-reading-vipers-lessons-13013761 Let me know what you liked about the lessons. Take a look at other writing units, such as war at my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/world-war-english-unit-uks2-6-weeks-13010721
Short Story - Figurative Language and Speech

Short Story - Figurative Language and Speech

A week of detailed lessons on writing a short story from the point of a character for KS2. Based on the Literacy Shed Video: Before Sunrise. This sequence of lesson includes a learning journey, powerpoint, resources and models of excellence. Take the chance to expand your pupils vocabulary and enhance their writing techniques in this engaging unit of writing. The planning allows opportunities for individual, paired and group work with a short burst write and a short story at the end of the week. Learning objectives include: I can empathise with a character. I can use dialogue to advance action and develop characters. I can use figurative language to describe a setting. I can use ambitious vocabulary and show-not-tell to describe emotions. I can use descriptive features. All reviews welcome.
Excel SATS test score assessment tracker

Excel SATS test score assessment tracker

Save time with this excel spread sheet, which RAG rates your children and colour codes them based on their test scores. It automatically tracks progress in scores across terms to show the value that has been added. Clearly set out into Maths, Reading and SPAG, there is room to input: All test scores Raw scores Scaled Scores Value added Pupil characteristics Take a look at the photos of the resource to see an example! If you like this resource, check out my SEN tracker - helpful for teachers, phase leaders and SLT: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/wave-1-strategy-sheet-tracker-for-send-pupils-with-plan-do-review-supporting-sheet-13012052 You may also be interested in my writing assessment tools: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/writing-assessment-checklist-for-whole-school-13012758 Reviews welcomed.
Transition Booklet to support moving year groups

Transition Booklet to support moving year groups

Have you ever found that children struggle when moving to a new class or year group? These bright, engaging booklets could be the answer you have been looking for. Here is an editable booklet for you to add photos and details of your school. This booklet isn’t only for your SEND children but can support all children in your class as well as the parents. Think about how many parents you meet for the first time at parents evening who still don’t know your name or where the class is. This booklet is perfect all. Reviews are welcomed. Take a look at my other useful resources at my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Teach_wise
Learning Journey Road Map of the JIGSAW PSHE Curriculum

Learning Journey Road Map of the JIGSAW PSHE Curriculum

For PSHE and PD specialists that follow the Jigsaw scheme of work. Here is an editable and visual curriculum road map/pathway for each year group and each jigsaw piece: Being Me in My World Celebrating Differences Dreams and Goals Healthy Me Relationships and Changing Me OFSTED love it as a visual resource for staff, children and visitors to quickly see the path of the curriculum and how it fits together and builds from one year groups to another. It is ready to go or you can edit it to add in any extra Personal Development strands that link to each piece. Don’t forget to leave a postive review if you have found this useful and supportive! You may also find my skills progression documents useful for other curriculum areas: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/foundation-curriculum-end-points-and-skills-progression-13012590 Or what about a subject leader resource pack, which includes pupil voice questionnaires as well as observations proformas: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/subject-leadership-monitoring-forms-evaluation-schedule-and-supporting-questions-13012343
David Almond Guided Reading VIPERS Lessons

David Almond Guided Reading VIPERS Lessons

A week of guided imaginative and thought provoking guided reading lessons on The Savage. Includes teaching Powerpoint, paired and group activities, oracy scaffolds, sequenced learning, challenges and cross curricular links with PSHE. 5 lessons, which cover each VIPERS skill while also providing children with a range of techniques to effectively active read and infer. An enjoyable teaching resource, accessible for all. Excite your puils with strange creatures while they expand their vocabulary. You can find lots more useful resources at my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Teach_wise You might also be interested in my Year 6 whole term writing unit of the Savage: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-6-writing-6-week-unit-the-savage-david-almond-narrative-and-non-fiction-13010685
Year 1 Writing Assessment Checklist

Year 1 Writing Assessment Checklist

All of the Year 1 objectives on one handy sheet! The sheet is spit into Below, Expected and Greater Depth statements with easy colour coding to seperate transcription, grammar and composition statements. Useful as a planning tool: to see what needs revisiting or even planning altogether, as well as assessing and planning for progress. I would use one sheet per child but this is not necessary. All reviews are welcome. You might also like to see other year group writing assessments on my online shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Teach_wise or alternatively you might want to save money and buy each year groups in one handy bundle!
Pre Key Stage Writing Assessment and Moderation checklist

Pre Key Stage Writing Assessment and Moderation checklist

All of the Pre Key Stage objectives on one handy sheet! Can be used in combination with other writing assessment grids in my shop if a child is still not meeting below statements. Useful as a planning tool: to see what needs revisiting or even planning altogether, as well as assessing and planning for progress. I would use one sheet per child but this is not necessary. All reviews are welcome. You might also like to see other year group writing assessments on my online shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Teach_wise or alternatively you might want to save money and buy each year groups in one handy inexpensive bundle: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13012758
Art CPD for Primary School Teachers - Diversify the Artists you Study

Art CPD for Primary School Teachers - Diversify the Artists you Study

This Art CPD for the whole school includes the following information: -Why we need to diversify artists -Which groups we need to represent more in art -Examples of diverse artists -How we can include new artists in our teaching The purpose of this CPD is to look at your Art Overview and ensure that it covers a huge range of artists. This small bundle offers you an example plan of lessons for Years 2 on the theme of India, a template for planning diverse artists, example artists for each year group with links to other NC subject areas and a CPD flipchart to deliver the session. I hope you enjoy the resource and that it saves you valuable time in organising your schools Art Overview- feel free to review it below. You may also like my free art resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/art-warm-up-activities-to-support-fine-motor-skills-and-tool-control-13012076 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/art-assessment-guidance-what-makes-good-art-13012093
War Writing Unit UKS2 - 6 Weeks

War Writing Unit UKS2 - 6 Weeks

Here is a unit of work for a whole term that includes a range of writing types: Formal Letter to the Government (writing for a purpose extremely evident and children thrive off of this). Setting Description - Air Raid War Poems Informal Letter as an evacuee Biography Flashback Story It includes 6 Active Inspire flipcharts and the PDF versions for each text type, learning journeys, models of excellence and resources. Each lesson in the week also has star questions attached to extend children further or alternatively give opportunity for post-teach time in the following session. The work focuses on the history of war and looks in depth at a range of events/people, including Walter Tull and Operation Mincemeat. There is also a week unit which focuses on the Literacy Shed Video ‘The Piano’. It includes a range of videos and history to engage all children. There are many opportunites for paired, individual and group work. The range of models of excellence allows children to have the opportunity to magpie new vocabulary, whilst developing their writing and editing techniques. Written for KS2 it covers many SPAG skills and genres. If you are interested in just one of these writing units then they can also be sold seperately. Visit my shop at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Teach_wise to find all the planning, powerpoints and resources you need to survive teaching! All reviews welcome.
EYFS Pre Handwriting Shapes

EYFS Pre Handwriting Shapes

Each time a child (spontaneously- meaning using their own hands) draws a pre writing shape, they are creating or further developing: Pathways in their brain. Strengthening their muscles inside of their hands. Developing the understanding of how hand or soft the press down (sensory development) Therefore it is essential to give children the opportunies to create pre handwriting shapes. With these fun and easy to use templates, children are always able to access and improve their fine motor skills. Be ready to surprise everyone and have the best formation you’ve seen yet!
Art Warm Up Activities to Support Fine Motor Skills and Tool Control

Art Warm Up Activities to Support Fine Motor Skills and Tool Control

Here are some examples (including photos) of warm up activities to support fine motor skills and tool control with children. I would suggest completing these at the beginning of each handwriting and art session in order to develop children’s muscles and support the steadiness of their grip. You may also want to see my assessment of art guidance, which is completely free: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/art-assessment-guidance-what-makes-good-art-13012093 or my whole school CPD on diversifying artists: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/art-cpd-for-primary-school-teachers-diversify-the-artists-you-study-13012106. Don’t forget to make a review!
Pupil Voice Conferencing English (SPAG, Reading and Writing)

Pupil Voice Conferencing English (SPAG, Reading and Writing)

Relevant English pupil conferencing questions for primary school children but easily adaptable for secondary. Choose from over 60 deep and meaningful questions, clearly split into topics of these main areas: General Lessons, Assessment, Reading, Exercise Books, SPAG, Wellbeing Each section have a summary box for the strengths and next steps for each area. Be confident that when Ofsted arrive you can clearly discuss what the understand, what they can do and what the children are likely to say. These questions could be adapted to other subjects easily. All reviews welcome. If you like this free resource, you may also enjoy my monitoing log: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/subject-leadership-overview-of-monitoring-log-13014821 or other subject specialist monitoring forms: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/subject-leadership-monitoring-forms-evaluation-schedule-and-supporting-questions-13012343