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Year 6 Street Child narrative (expected standard)

Year 6 Street Child narrative (expected standard)

The following WAGOLL is a narrative, written in the third person, describing Mr Spink arriving at the Jarvis family’s room and demanding rent. When the family cannot provide, they are sent onto the streets. Included is a word-bank, giving examples of setting descriptions, and descriptions of the family members. The WAGOLL is ideal for use as a whole class writing stimulus for Year 6 children, and would be of particular use as a moderation piece. The WAGOLL focuses on: creating character and atmosphere dialogue to advance the action shifting tone in formality
Y6 setting description teaching unit (1 week) Once Upon A Snowstorm

Y6 setting description teaching unit (1 week) Once Upon A Snowstorm

The following resources are based upon the Richard Johnson picture book, ‘Once Upon a Snowstorm’ and are pitched at a Year 6 audience. A hyper-link to the book on YouTube is included in the PowerPoint, so owning the book is not necessary. The planning is appropriate for one week, including opportunity to edit and improve, as well as publish (or extend the writing, if considering use as a moderation piece). Included in the week’s planning is a PowerPoint presentation, taking teachers through the sequence of lessons, resulting in a setting description as the children’s written outcome by the end of the week. In addition, there are two example WAGOLLs, an immersion lesson and a skills practising lesson, where children are working on figurative language. Each lesson starts with 3 GPS SATs style questions as revision. The lessons follow the following sequence: 1 - immersion 2 - vocabulary/phrase bank building 3 - write 4 - finish writing. Edit and improve 5 - publish The build up focuses on children’s oracy and development of figurative language, specifically pathetic fallacy and personification.