I have been teaching English (the Australian Curriculum NSW) for well over twenty years. In that time I have developed a series of resources which are designed to simply both the teaching and learning of the English syllabus. I am continually growing my shop so please bookmark and revisit regularly as there will definitely be something there that will help both you and your students navigate English.
I have been teaching English (the Australian Curriculum NSW) for well over twenty years. In that time I have developed a series of resources which are designed to simply both the teaching and learning of the English syllabus. I am continually growing my shop so please bookmark and revisit regularly as there will definitely be something there that will help both you and your students navigate English.
This booklet has been designed to help students easily revisit Term 4 of last year when you studied the Common Module: Texts and Human Experiences. It is intended to allow students to have a booklet in one place which refreshes their understanding of the following in preparation for the HSC:
The importance of the rubric
A series of questions which will test their knowledge of the Rubric and the Common Module supported by answers
A table which breaks down the rubric and explains in graphic detail what the heck you’re supposed to be considering
It lists AND explains the VERBS that you will find in most of the HSC questions and explains what your response should include to address these verbs. These verbs you will notice have a direct correlation with the marking criteria so get to know them.
A Verb Ladder which shows you a step-by-step approach to analysis and then a scaffold for using the ladder
A practice short answer question where you can use the Verb Ladder complemented by a suggested answer
A table for you to complete to make notes on the prescribed text you are studying at school in this module. By completing this table, you will be able to see at a glance the quotes and ideas you can use to address specific aspects of the rubric. Memorise these in preparation for the HSC
A Practice Paper for Section 1 – Short Answers with worked suggested answers
A list of 9 Practice questions for Section II to use for practising your extended responses.
10.Marker Feedback from the 2021 HSC paper 1 Section with suggestions
A Marking scheme for your teacher to use to mark your extended responses. This is an adaptation of the 2021 Marking Scheme.
This 112 page booklet is designed as a working model for teachers and students engaging in the Literary Mindscapes Elective Katherine Mansfield Short Stories . The primary feature of the booklet is a breaking down of the rubric into 5 separate questions which students may easily use in the analysis of their texts. The booklet includes all 5 Short Stories, a complete breakdown of the function of the rubric into 5 questions, a detailed exercise on effective note taking in the context of EX 1, practice essays, 12 past Trial questions from a variety of school, individual and group tasks, marking criteria, a highly detailed analysis of ONE related text with tasks associated with the analysis, A glossary of literary techniques and devices and an extensive detailed reading and writing exercise on context. The second page of the booklet is left blank for teachers to insert their own Assessment Schedule.The booklet is designed to allow students to keep all their working and notes in one place. The Mansfield booklet is complemented by a similar one on Emily Dickinson and another on Hamlet which will be in my store shortly.
This work booklet is intended to complement the Powerpoint A Complete Unit of Work: Social Justice taught through Song, Film and Social Media a 46 page Power point intended for approximately 6 weeks of teaching and learning. This comprehensive work booklet includes all of the assessment tasks and marking criteria outlined on the PPT. In other words make a coffee, sit back and let the ppt and the work booklet do all the work. All songs, film clips and media are embedded into the PPT for ease of access.
The Power Point is sold separately. The work book is VERY detailed and includes:
Outcomes taken from the NSW English Syllabus (Please feel free to adjust to suit your own teaching and learning scope and sequence)
• Formal and Informal Assessment Tasks
• Marking Criteria
•Copies of all the texts and appropriate links to audio
•Printable tasks as advised on the slides
Suggested answers
And much much more
This Power Point is intended to be used as an entire unit of work, or a series of lessons, to introduce students to Paper 1 Section 1 of the English HSC paper. The ppt is very comprehensive and covers all of the “How to” of analysis regarding Texts and Human Experiences. I have also included a booklet to hand to the students which has 3 slides per page and a section for them to take notes as they progress through the slides. This will serve as a sound revision resource and should be used as they work through past papers.
This 74 page booklet is designed as a working model for teachers and students engaging in the Literary Mindscapes Elective Emily Dickinson) . The primary feature of the booklet is a breaking down of the rubric into 5 separate questions which students may easily use in the analysis of their texts. The booklet includes all 7 poems, a complete breakdown of the function of the rubric into 5 questions, a detailed exercise on effective note taking in the context of EX 1, practice essays, 12 past Trial questions from a variety of school, individual and group tasks, marking criteria, a highly detailed analysis of ONE related text with tasks associated with the analysis, A glossary of poetic techniques and devices and an extensive detailed reading and writing exercise on Dickinson’s context. The second page of the booklet is left blank for teachers to insert their own Assessment Schedule.The booklet is designed to allow students to keep all their working and notes in one place. The Dickinson booklet is complemented by a similar one on Katherine Mansfield and another on Hamlet which will be in my store shortly.
This note taking scaffold teaches students how to make explicit connections between each aspect of the Texts and Human Experiences Rubric and the specific question they are addressing. Everything is colour coded and once completed each section can then be cut and paste, from the scaffold, into a paragraph of information. This scaffold shows students how to link their knowledge of the rubric to their essay as opposed to simply describing what happens.
This Power point is designed to take the hard work out of planning and writing an essay. The Power point is quite fluid in that the process described may be used for the writing of ANY English essay. While the PPT is best used as a classroom resource for guided instruction on essay writing, it may also be uploaded to Google Classroom sites so as students may work through the process at their own pace.
This is a complete unit of work on social justice and protest taught through a 46 page Power point intended for approximately 6 weeks of teaching and learning. This is complemented by a comprehensive work booklet which is sold separately. In other words make a coffee, sit back and let the ppt do all the work. The beauty of Power point is that it operates as a teaching resource that includes individual lessons which can be reconfigured to suit a variety of audiences. In addition to this in the absence of the classroom teacher the substitute teacher has a complete guide as to what and how to teach the class, simply advise the slide the class is up to and go from there. All songs, film clips and media are embedded into the PPT for ease of access.
The Resource includes this Power Point plus a booklet (sold separately) to photocopy tasks. The work book is VERY detailed and includes:
Outcomes taken from the NSW English Syllabus (Please feel free to adjust to suit your own teaching and learning scope and sequence)
•Formal and Informal Assessment Tasks
•Marking Criteria
•A separate Downloadable Booklet (SOLD SEPARATELY)which includes:
•Copies of all the texts and appropriate links to audio
•Printable tasks as advised on the slides
Suggested answers
This 17 page workbook is designed to complement the Unit of work titled Teaching Visual Literacy through Picture books and is targeted at Years 6-8. It includes lots of activities and is generic in nature in that it does not teach a specific Picture book moreover it teaches the skills through a variety of Picture book images. This allows each teacher to choose their own Picture Book suitable to their class.
This resource is designed for both teachers and students to assist them in their understanding of textual analysis, within the context of the English syllabus. The Power Point is simply to use and is intended as a teaching resource where each slide constitutes a part of the lesson. The presentation includes some simple and some extended response style activities together with a marking criteria to test students understanding of the role of techniques and devices in analysis. These lessons could be used as a 2-3 week unit of work in Stage 5 or 6 of the syllabus.
As with most of my units of work An introduction to the Gothic Genre: Years 6-9 is designed as a powerpoint teaching resource. It includes a plethora of different Gothic texts which range from the humorous The Addams Family (1960s version) to the serious The Sandman by Paul Barry (NOT the same The Sandman as currently showing on Netflix). Activities include Creative writing, Writing a Review, Designing a Poster, A Multi media task, Visual Literacy, Close Reading, Comprehension and 2 short storied The Tell Tale Heart and The Monkey’s Paw. While Part 1 of The Monkey’s Paw is close reading with Q & A Parts 2 & 3 are audio and read along. All videos are embedded into the slides for each of teaching. If you’re not with your students you can simply advise the covering teacher which slide you’re up to. The PPT is complemented by a Workbook which includes the stories, activities and the assessment task. THE WORKBOOK IS SOLD SEPARATELY
As with most of my units of work An introduction to the Gothic Genre: Years 6-9 is designed as a powerpoint teaching resource. THIS IS THE WORKBOOK WHICH COMPLEMENTS THE POWERPOINT and includes activities such as Creative writing, Writing a Review, Designing a Poster, A Multi media task, Visual Literacy, Close Reading, Comprehension and 2 short stories The Tell Tale Heart and The Monkey’s Paw. While Part 1 of The Monkey’s Paw is close reading with Q & A Parts 2 & 3 are audio and read along. All videos are embedded into the slides for each of teaching. If you’re not with your students you can simply advise the covering teacher which slide you’re up to. The PPT is complemented by a Workbook which includes the stories, activities and the assessment task.
This Power point has 24 Slides and is designed to take students through the basics, and more, on Visual Literacy using Picture books as the source. The unit of work includes the language of Visual Literacy and how to apply it in a written response as well as the basic terminology. The PPT is intentionally generic to allow teachers to use any Picture book they choose to place the skills learned into practice. A Work booklet is sold separately and includes all associated activities. This works well as the students can apply their skills to previously unseen texts which is a great way to test their knowledge. Workbook sold separately