A Tarsia puzzle focused on sequences, it covers finding the next term, finding the nth term, and creating a sequence from a description.
This is a good activity for working in groups and consolidating the knowledge of the class.
Included is the tarsia puzzle both the solution and the mixed page.
An escape room styled lesson where students access the provided website through QR code and progress through questions to the final challenge. Students cannot progress until they have unlocked each question. Range of learning from problem solving questions, working with area, money problems and more.
It has a high level of engagement and can be interesting to see which students are good at problem solving.
Add a timer on the screen to give a time limit can add more interest.
A relay focused on consolidating sequence knowledge. Tested with lower attainment year 8's. Really pushed themselves but didn't get onto the more difficult questions. This could easily be used with year 9's and 10's.
The practice question is a sample of the types of questions tested: Next terms, nth terms and substitution for a specific term.
For differentiation give out some extra hints when needed or let them have a previous question with a correct solution to follow.
I would recommend setting up in the middle of the room and have the teams around the room so its an equal distance for them to travel.