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Inspiring English resources for teachers and tutors.
20 bookish activities for schools

20 bookish activities for schools

This resource lists 20 bookish activities for schools, including a brief guide to each. The document is perfect for teachers looking for a fun way to celebrate the literary month of March.
Worksheet Pack: Similes and Metaphors

Worksheet Pack: Similes and Metaphors

This resource contains 5 worksheets on similes and metaphors with answer keys available on the latter pages. Tasks and activities include: Identifying whether a simile or a metaphor has been used in 15 different sentence examples. Identifying and underlining similes and metaphors in a short descriptive paragraph. Finishing 10 similes using suggested endings. Finishing 10 metaphors using suggested endings. Creating similes and metaphors (examples suggested). All bar the last activity come with answer keys.
Worksheet Pack: Synonyms and Antonyms

Worksheet Pack: Synonyms and Antonyms

This resource contains 4 activities on synoynms and antonyms with answer keys available at the back. Tasks include: Fill in the synonym Replacing ‘nice’ Replacing ‘very’ Replacing ‘said’ Shades of meaning Word meanings: Level up
Worksheet Pack: Show, Don't Tell

Worksheet Pack: Show, Don't Tell

This resource contains 5 worksheets activities teaching students how to show and not tell in their writing. Tasks include: Identifying whether sentences are showing or telling. Rewriting telling sentences into showing sentences. Rewriting a telling paragraph into a showing paragraph. Describing emotion Describing using the five senses All activities come with suggested answers.
Macbeth Character Posters for Classroom Display

Macbeth Character Posters for Classroom Display

This resource contains ten Macbeth character posters for classroom wall displays. Each poster is colour coded and includes: A character image Key words reflecting character traits A character summary Selected quotes spoken by/about characters Posters are about the following characters: Macbeth Lady Macbeth The Witches Hecate King Duncan Banquo Macduff Malcolm and Donalbain Minor characters: Fleance, Lady Macduff and children, Ross and Lennox Minor characters: the Murderers, the Porter, other (the Sergeant, Young Siward) Images are AI generated using Canva
Macbeth Quotation Worksheet

Macbeth Quotation Worksheet

This Macbeth quotation ‘fill-in’ worksheet is an ideal resource for teachers to use in GCSE revision lessons. Students are given a series of key quotations from Macbeth with one or two words missing from each. The aim is to fill as many blank spaces as possible. Once complete, the worksheet can be used as a revision resource. Quotations are character and theme based. An answer key is included.
Macbeth Revision Guide (GCSE)

Macbeth Revision Guide (GCSE)

This detailed revision guide contains everything students need to know about Shakespeare’s Macbeth, including context, quotes and more. Full contents are as follows: Brief plot summary Character summaries Key character connections Key themes Context Key terms and techniques Character quotes (divided by scene and character) Theme quotes (divided by theme, scene and character) This 27-page resource is ideal for students in Years 9-11 studying Macbeth for GCSE.
Context Clues

Context Clues

This resource is great for 11+ preparation and general vocabulary practice at Key Stage 2. The document is divided into alphabetical sections, with each section laying out up to 15 sentences containing advanced words in bold. Students are required to figure out the meaning of these advanced words by reading the sentence contexts carefully. Contents: Nearly 400 advanced words organgised alphabetically and placed into sentences. Purpose: Aids students looking to expand their vocabulary, particularly for use in the 11+ exams.
Worksheet Pack: Five Literary Techniques

Worksheet Pack: Five Literary Techniques

This resource contains 10 activities on five common literary techniques: Alliteration, Metaphor, Onomatopoeia, Personification, Simile. Tasks involve writing and identifying techniques. Answer keys are available at the end of the document. *Note: Image on page 9 created used AI.
Worksheet Pack: Active and Passive Voice

Worksheet Pack: Active and Passive Voice

This resource contains 4 worksheets on active and passive voice, with answer keys available on the latter pages. Tasks and activities include: Identifying active and passive voice. Rewriting passive voice into active. Rewriting active voice into passive. Identifying examples in a paragraph. Writing your own examples.
An Inspector Calls Character Posters for Classroom Display

An Inspector Calls Character Posters for Classroom Display

This resource contains 7An Inspector Calls character posters for classroom wall displays. Each poster is colour coded and includes: A character image Key words reflecting character traits A character summary Selected quotes spoken by/about characters The following characters are featured: Mr Arthur Birling Mrs Sybil Birling Eric Birling Sheila Birling Gerald Croft Eva Smith (Daisy Renton) Inspector Goole (Disclaimer: Images have been AI generated using Canva)
Writing Skills Bundle

Writing Skills Bundle

5 Resources
This bundle contains a collection of worksheet packs to help improve students’ writing skills. Packs included: Active and Passive Voice Five Literary Techniques Show, Don’t Tell Similes and Metaphors Synonyms and Antonyms
Understanding Essay Structure: Single Text Essays (for GCSE)

Understanding Essay Structure: Single Text Essays (for GCSE)

This resource is a guide to essay structure, focusing specifically on GCSE Literature. This guide is an excellent print-out for teachers to give students in preparation for their exams. The document includes: How to write an introduction How to write a PEEL paragraph How to write about effect When and how to include context How to write a conclusion All sections come with examples, primarily from Of Mice and Men. Examples can be applied to any literature text, however.
Spelling Maze

Spelling Maze

This easy spelling maze asks students to find their way out of the maze by choosing the correctly spelt words. The activity takes less than five minutes and is a great lesson starter.
Rainbow Word Bank

Rainbow Word Bank

This resource shares 117 colour synonyms, divided into colour columns, including: RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE PURPLE PINK BROWN WHITE GREY BLACK MULTICOLOURED It is a great sheet for students to use when writing creatively!
Spelling Maze

Spelling Maze

A simple activity that requires students to highlight or draw arrows between the boxes displaying correctly spelt words in order to reach the end of the maze. Includes: A single page worksheet Answer key