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Weimar and Nazi Germany Edexcel GCSE Unit

Weimar and Nazi Germany Edexcel GCSE Unit

A unit of work following the Weimar and Nazi Germany Edexcel GCSE scheme. Includes lessons on the Weimar Republic, Treaty of Versailles, Challenges to the Weimar Republic, hyperinflation., the economic recovery of the Weimar Republic, changes in society and culture, Hitler and the rise of the Nazi party, the Munich Putsch, how Hitler became a dictator, the Night of the Long Knives, the Nazi police state, Nazi control of the legal system, church, art and sport and education, propaganda, opposition to the Nazis, women in Nazi Germany, the Hitler Youth, unemployment, the standards of living and the persecution of minorities. Includes recap starters, teacher exposition, colour coding activities, worksheets, videos and practice exam questions.
Henry VIII  AQA Tudors A Level Unit

Henry VIII AQA Tudors A Level Unit

A unit covering Henry VIII following the AQA Tudors A Level specification. Lessons include: An introduction, first actions, rise of Wolsey, fall of Wolsey, domestic policy, foreign policy, Wolsey’s reforms of the pre-reformation church, the reformation, the differences between Protestantism and Catholicism, dissolution of the monasteries, pilgrimage of grace, Thomas Cromwell, government post 1549, Henry’s legacy and questions and answers for episode 2,3 and 4 of mind of a tyrant. Includes recap starters, teacher exposition, videos, debate questions, success and failure tasks and practice exam questions.
Henry VII Unit- AQA Tudor A Level

Henry VII Unit- AQA Tudor A Level

A unit on Henry VII following the AQA Tudors A Level specification. Lessons Include an introduction, how Henry took the throne, how Henry consolidated his throne, early rebellions, later rebellions, Henry’s relationship with the nobles, government structure, finance, justice and domestic policy, foreign policy, trade and exploration, economy, society and the church. Includes recap starters, teacher exposition, historiography, debate questions, success and failure tasks and practice exam questions.
Historic Heroine Display

Historic Heroine Display

A Display including pictures and information about heroic women throughout History including Anne Lister, Catherine Parr, Elizabeth Garret Anderson, Elizabeth I, Emily Wilding Davison, Emmeline Pankhurst, Ida Bell Wells Barnett, Jane Austen, Louisa Gould, Margery Kemp, Marie Curie, Mary Wollstencroft, Rosa Parks and Rosalind Franklin
Henry VII Consolidating the throne- AQA Tudors A level

Henry VII Consolidating the throne- AQA Tudors A level

A lesson looking at how Henry VII consolidated his throne including back dating his reign, his coronation, his marriage to Elizabeth of York, his first parliament and his use of Propaganda as part of the AQA Tudors A level. Includes a recap starter, teacher exposition and practice exam question.
Henry VII and the Nobility- AQA Tudors A level

Henry VII and the Nobility- AQA Tudors A level

A lesson looking at Henry VII and his relationship with his nobility, including the carrot and stick method and his rewards and punishments as well as specific examples. Includes a recap starter, teacher exposition and questions.
Henry VII Finance, Justice and Domestic Policy- AQA Tudors A level

Henry VII Finance, Justice and Domestic Policy- AQA Tudors A level

A lesson looking at Henry VII’s finance, including ordinary and extra ordinary revenue, the Exchequer and the Chamber, Henry VII’s justice and domestic policy including JPS as part of the AQA Tudors a level course. Includes starter recap, teacher exposition, historiography and practice exam question.
Henry VIII'S Domestic Policy 1509-1529- AQA Tudors A Level

Henry VIII'S Domestic Policy 1509-1529- AQA Tudors A Level

A lesson looking at Henry VIII’S Domestic Policy 1509-1529 following the AQA Tudors specification. The lesson looks at legal reform, tax reform, the amicable grant, JPs, Parliament, action against profiteering,the Church and the eltham ordinances. Lesson includes a recap starter and teacher exposition and a success and failure task.
Why were canals so important?

Why were canals so important?

A lesson looking at the invention and importance of canals during the Industrial Revolution including key individuals such as James Brindley, the Duke of Bridgewater and Josiah Wedgewood. Includes a recap starter, teacher exposition and questions and a video.
Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper

Two lessons covering all the victims of Jack and Ripper, the events of their deaths and possible suspects. Includes a video, teacher exposition and an opportunity for students to debate who they think the most likely suspect was.
Roman Settlements

Roman Settlements

A lesson about Roman settlements in Britain including a recap starter, a worksheet on Roman towns, an extension on Roman houses, a video and a role play activity on Roman roads.
Effects of the steam engine

Effects of the steam engine

A lesson looking at both the positive and negative effects of the steam engine, especially focusing on trains. Includes a recap starter, work sheet and video.
How do steam engines work?

How do steam engines work?

A lesson looking at the invention of the steam engine and James Watt including a recap starter, video, labeling activity and sorting activity with water and steam power.
Crime and Punishment during the Industrial Revolution

Crime and Punishment during the Industrial Revolution

A lesson looking at how the police force started during the Industrial Revolution including Robert Peel and looking at how prisons improved and Elizabeth Fry. Includes a recap quiz, teacher exposition and questions, video and plenary quiz.