Complete set of mind maps, character analysis notes, quotation analysis notes and key themes notes for 'LA CASA DE BERNARDA ALBA’ for A LEVEL SPANISH !
Great pack of resources for revision of ‘La Casa de Bernarda Alba’ for the Paper 2 Writing exam .
A few spelling mistakes, due to being written by a student, but incredibly useful nonetheless! Just email or comment if you are unable to access the resources and I will email them to you.
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Detailed mind maps on all of the NEW 2017 A LEVEL SPANISH 7962 cultural themes.
Complete set to revise from for the AQA Speaking exam with the tarjeta. Include diagrams which are useful for jogging your memory during the oral exam.
A couple spelling and grammatical mistakes, but still incredibly useful for the Paper 3 Speaking exam! Just email or leave a comment if you are unable to access the resources and I will email them to you.
Original price if sold separately is £33.55.
Mind maps covering the main themes in the film ‘Volver’ by Almodovar, as well as cinematic techniques used for A LEVEL SPANISH.
Perfect for revision for the Paper 2 Writing exam with the essay! - All mind maps include quotes from the film and key scenes. These mind maps are very helpful as they help you to visualise key themes in the exam.
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Mind map for the AQA A LEVEL theme 'La inmigracion’ for the NEW 2017 A LEVEL SPEC**. Includes notes and facts on the subthemes ‘Los beneficios y los aspectos negativos’, ‘La inmigracion en el mundo hispanico’ and ‘Los indocumentados - problemas’. Very useful for the AQA Speaking exam and includes hand drawn illustrations to prompt memory.
Mind map for** A LEVEL SPANISH** theme ‘La Conviencia**’ for the NEW AQA A LEVEL 2017 spec. Includes facts and notes about the subthemes: ‘La convivencia de las culturas’, ‘La educacion’ and ‘La religion’. Very useful for the AQA Speaking exam and includes hand drawn illustrations to help prompt knowledge.
Detailed mind map on the AQA theme ‘El Racismo’ for the NEW 2017 A LEVEL SPANISH. Includes information on the 3 subthemes: ‘Las actitudes racistas y xenofobas’, ‘Las medidas contra el racismo’ and ‘La legislacion anti racista’. Very useful for revision for the *AQA Speaking exam *with the tarjeta.
Summary notes for the 3 core modules in **Year 2 L100 ** University degree - EC226 Econometrics, EC201 Macroeconomics and EC202 Microeconomics.
Made specifically for the University of Warwick.
Save over 40% by buying in a bundle!
Very detailed notes on everything you need to know for the AQA theme ‘El Ciberespacio’ for the NEW 2017 Spanish A LEVEL. Includes information on the subthemes: ‘La Influencia de Internet’, ‘Los moviles inteligentes en nuestra sociedad’, ‘Las redes sociales beneficios y peligros’. Very useful for the AQA Speaking exam!
Mind map for AQA A LEVEL SPANISH theme ‘La Influencia de los idolos’ for NEW 2017 A LEVEL SPEC. Includes facts and knowledge on the subthemes: ‘Cantantes y musicos’, ‘Estrellas de television y cine’ and ‘Modelos’. Very useful for the speaking exam and includes images to help prompt memory.
This is a revision mind map for the sub theme 'Los Valores Tradicionales y Modernos’ from the NEW AQA 2017 SPANISH EXAM.
They include facts about 'Los cambios en la familia’, 'Actitudes hacia el matrimonio y el divorcio’ and ‘La influencia de la Iglesia Catolica’.
Hand draw illustrations included to act as a visual learning aid.
Perfect for the Paper 3 Oral exam !
Mind map for the cultural theme ‘La Identidad Regional’ for the NEW 2017 A LEVEL SPEC. Includes notes and facts on the subthemes: ‘Tradiciones y costumbres’, ‘La gastronomia’ and ‘Las lenguas’.Very useful information for the AQA Speaking exam and contains hand drawn illustrations to help prompt memory.
Mind map for the AQA A LEVEL theme ‘Jovenes de Hoy, Ciudadanos de Manana’ for the NEW A LEVEL 2017 SPEC. Includes notes and facts on the subthemes: ‘Su actitud hacia la politica’, ‘El paro entre los jovenes’ and ‘Su sociedad ideal’. Very useful knowledge for the AQA Speaking exam with the Tarjeta - useful revision material. Includes hand drawn illustrations to help prompt memory in the exam.
**Mind maps **for key themes in 'La Casa de Bernarda Alba’ for A Level Spanish.
Bundle of all the mind maps - all great for revision for the*** Paper 2 Writing exam***!
**SAVE MONEY **buying the bundle!
Mind Map for AQA A LEVEL SPANISH (New* 2017* Specification) for the cultural theme ‘La Igualdad de los Sexos’. Includes the sub themes: ‘La mujer en el mundo laboral’, ‘El machismo y el feminismo’ and ‘Los derechos de los gays y las personas transgenero’. Very useful for facts and knowledge for the Speaking exam and includes illustrations to prompt memory.
Detailed notes on the AQA theme ‘La inmigracion’ for the NEW 2017 SPANISH A LEVEL. Includes notes on the 3 subthemes: ‘Los beneficios y los aspectos negativos’, ‘La inmigracion en el mundo hispanico’ and ‘Los indocumentados - problemas’. Very useful for the AQA Speaking exam with the tarjeta!
VOLVER (Almodovar) analysis notes from online - very useful for the essay section of the A LEVEL SPANISH Exam.
Important points highlighted in colours and has screen shots of important scenes to accompany the notes.
Great essay phrases to use in your A LEVEL SPANISH essay exam (AQA Paper 2) to get those top marks!
Includes the English translation of the phrases. Includes phrases for introductions and conclusions!