This lesson assists students with identifying the purpose, audience and format of a text by developing the skills to examine meaning, Identifying the purpose and analyzing the effect on the reader.
It support learners by helping them to read with insight.
W.W.W.W.W.H. (Who, what, when, where, why, how?).
Contained within the lesson are exercises that stretch and challenge learners through the use of Self-assessment, peer-assessment and individual feedback.
In this lesson students are introduced to the different types of reading questions they will encounter in the GCSE examination. It provides insight into what the questions are asking and what assessment objectives the examiners are looking for. Learners are reminded of the importance of reading the questions carefully.
In this lesson learners are introduced to the different types of texts that they will encounter in the GCSE English Language exam- 19th, 20th, 21st century texts. The content builds on skills developed in the previous lesson (Purpose, tone & point of view).
Students are introduced to different genres of reading/ writing whilst learning about the historical development of topical issues such as: class, education, industry & civil rights.
This lesson is designed to enable learners to set their own targets and how best to plan for the English Language GCSE examinations.
Included in the lesson is the importance of SMART target setting and how it is that learners can take responsability for their individual education pathway.
Comprised of reading and writing exercises this lesson is an ideal starter for an Class introduction at the commencment of the academic year.
This lesson introduces learners to planning in preparation for the GCSE examination with a focus on how much time to spend on questions and the layout and structure of the exam.
Learners examine different reading styles such as skimming, scanning and close reading while recognizing how and when to utilize each reading style.
The lesson contains self assessments, reading tasks and writing tasks that best help learners prepare for sitting the exam.
In this lesson, students are supported in reading and understanding the different types of questions that will appear in the GCSE examination.
It will help them understand what the questions ask and assist them in forming a judgment in their responses.
In this lesson, students are supported in learning and developing different reading styles. They will be introduced to “Skimming” for the main idea or theme, identifying features of a text and
Summing up the text.
It will help them to locate and retrieve relevant information from within a text.