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Alanah's Shop

Welcome to my Tes Shop! I have created a wide range of inclusive resources to be used within Primary. I would greatly appreciate if you could rate my resources to increase my shops exposure, I love hearing how you have utilised them within your practice. I hope you find them useful!

Welcome to my Tes Shop! I have created a wide range of inclusive resources to be used within Primary. I would greatly appreciate if you could rate my resources to increase my shops exposure, I love hearing how you have utilised them within your practice. I hope you find them useful!
Y1 Nonfiction Writing Unit - Virtual School Trip

Y1 Nonfiction Writing Unit - Virtual School Trip

Writing a recount - Y1 - Virtual School Trip to Buckingham Palace - 3 WEEK UNIT PACK This unit of work follows guidance using The Talk for Writing Approach, which enables children to read and write independently. The guiding principles included this unit; Read and explore models, attentively, Teacher as model reader I, We, You structure Think aloud to explain Shared and guided writing Differentiated lessons Sequencing structures The pack includes; 15 lessons worth of planning Worksheets *** Virtual school trip video** Full script to support video Recount script to support writing TA guidance within lessons 3 weeks of grammar planning (suffixes, prefixes, plural and singular tenses) Cross Curricular links - London Unit in Geography/History, Katie in London story