Resources provided for hard material technologies covering Engineering, Resistant Materials and Product Design.
Designed by a former blacksmith with 8 years teaching experience and 6 years examination and moderation experience!
Resources provided for hard material technologies covering Engineering, Resistant Materials and Product Design.
Designed by a former blacksmith with 8 years teaching experience and 6 years examination and moderation experience!
Teacher powerpoint slides, individual activities and exemplars for a 14 hour project for KS3 year 7 or year 8.
This project is skills based. Students will need a USB cable (which can be recycled from a keyboard or device) and a LED card (can be purchased in bulk on AliExpress.)
The plywood base uses 18mm and 3mm ply, however the base can be made from a solid piece of timber with a slot rebated on a table router.
This pack contains.
1 - Choosing a design brief and writing a specification.
2 - Drawing design ideas in isometric, 2D and using tinkerCAD, including a PDF of exemplars.
3 - Storyboard planning task, including images and machine infographics.
4 - Pillar drill matching and writing activity (in class, cover or homework).
5 - Soldering reading/word frame activity (in class, cover or homework.)
6 - Evaluation
This activity can be extended with the use of multiple layers and embellishment on the base.
For ITTs it can be simplified using Vinyl Cut stickers on backboards that are precut, this saves time and file conversion.
YouTube CAD tutorials available.
A 27 A4 page pdf booklet covering the new KS5 Engineering BTEC:
A1 Design triggers
A2 Design challenges
A3 Equipment level and system level constraints and opportunities.
A range of activities with lots of real life product examples used to enable student to take preparation notes for the controlled assessment. Part two coming soon…
Thanks for looking.
This bundle contains all of the resources I have created for the engineered world exam.
My centre have achieved 100% EP using these this year, yours could to.
There are powerpoints, worksheets, multiple choice quizzes and mock exams! Enjoy.
This 66 page booklet (pdf) follows on from part A and covers the rest of the learning aim A syllabus including material properties, power transmission, and manufacturing processes. There are lots of pages that repeat in format so that students can draw, research and learn about;
Sand, die and investment casting.
Machining including turning, milling and drilling.
Injection, extrusion, blow and rotational moulding.
Slip, tape and press forming ceramics.
Press forming, stamping, drop forging metals and backward/forward impact extrusion.
3D printing.
Compression moulding (metals and thermosets).
Laying up.
Soldering, brazing.
MIG, TIG, Oxy welding.
This is a “build your own” textbook, its just activities. My students complete notes in lesson time and then type them up in study periods… Some haven’t started yet but they’ll have too soon. I’m hoping they will re-visit their notes are part of the controlled assessment “research”. I’ve also started to get them to complete the research tasks before lessons so that they have examples of products before we go through the processes. This booklet is to help me as much as them because I would hate to forget to include teaching a process to find the design brief included something I hadn’t covered with them!
I’m going to look into the other learning aims this term… Hopefully!
Sorry it’s a pdf but I’ve paid for license for the images in some of the activities!
A comprehensive lesson with bell task, starter game, definitions worksheet, identification mind map and test your knowledge plenary.
Any queries or suggestions please let me know.
Free for NQT's, just get in touch.
The biggest hurdle in BTEC is to ensure learners achieve a level 2 pass in the online exam. Our less able learners don't/won't/can't revise especially as the pressure mounts and they loose the will to write generate statements on rote!
This is a set of fully editable multiple choice tests (55 marks in total) which could be given to those L1/P learners whilst other students focus on long answer questions or used as starter tasks. I've tried to cover all/most topics. Answers sheets included (I think I'll laminate mine) for students to self/peer assess the answers (making it look like you've done enough marking to statisfy your senior leaders/OFSTEDS unquenchable thirst for evidence.)
Some are manufacturing process ordering questions, some are generic questions similar to those in the online test.
Enjoy! Any suggestions/comments please get in touch.
A 16 question, editable 50 mark mock exam including the follow topics. (PDF also included for those who don't have publisher.)
Modern high performance materials.
Renewable Energy.
Machining; Milling, Drop forging, Sand casting, Welding, Shearing, Turning.
Health and Safety.
CNC manufacture.
Continuous Production.
Surface mount technology.
A bundle of resources covering
-Manufacturing processes
-Temporary and permanent joining methods
-Design Movements
There are over 60 A4 worksheets in total. They could be set in or out of classroom time and can be uploaded to google classroom for easy editing!
This lesson on telematics has a range of activites starting with a discussion about SATNAV and Global Navigation Satellite Systems moving towards their use in the automotive sector. Powerpoint and three worksheets that are fully editable.
The lessons are differentiated and tasks are marked cleared with P, M, or D so that students can understand the level of detail required for their target grade.
If you like this please look at my other BTEC resources. All reviews /advice greatly appreciated!
Free for NQT's just get in touch.
A lesson all about the applications, advantages, and disadvantages of
Bionic eyes
Prosthetic Limbs
Mechanical Hearts/pacemakers
Breast Implants
Cochlear Implants
The first pages are to encourage debate and to classify the pictures and also helps the teacher to gauge the level of prior knowledge in the room (lots of the information will overlap with you top set Science students, if you have any.) The presentation is designed to raise some important issues about disability and health in relation to the applications of bionics. (Might be worth preparing the LADS for a serious discussion, especially when it comes to breast augmentation and cancer.... You could always create new slides on artificial windpipes instead but I fancied a challenging debate and not a lesson where issues such as disability, cancer, deaf/blindness and injury caused through war etc. became topics of banter.)
There is then a group task, each group gets a fact sheet about one of the five suggested bionic applications and another sheet with questions that they need to answer and present to the rest of the group. I'm going to give my A2 sugar paper, marker pens and 20 minutes.
There's no plenary, I think it'll be a push to get through all five presentations in one lesson. I might use the following lessons to produce a "How much can you remember?" Mindmap. Will being delivering this lesson soon so will be able to give better time/activity guidance.
No worksheets, just an editable powerpoint.
This is a step by step guide to enable your students to create a mind-map that recaps the following materials;
Optical Fibres
Modern Metallic Foams
Carbon Fibre
Tungsten Carbide
There are two pathways (hard for merit/dist students and easy for L1/pass students) or you could just print my version and add it to a revision pack. I might include timers when mine undertake the task to prevent procrastination.
Could be used for a different subject applying the same principles.
Slide 1: Bell - Highlight the five most important words from each smart materials definition.
Slide 2: Review the words for piezoelectricity with the group.
Slide 3 & 4: Two youtube clips - one explaining cigarette lighters (because they are universally liked by all teenagers) and one that covers ultrasound.
Slide 5: Slide that covers benefits and limitations (Your high ability can copy these out while the rest answer the key question at the top of the page. )
Slide 6: Review of the 5 words for electrochromic glass with the group.
Slide 7: Grand designs electrochromic glass clip.
Slide 8: Same as 5.
Slide 9-15: Same structure repeated for SMAs and SMPs covering a range of applications.
Slide 16: A wordle with the key terms from the lesson to enable your students to write their own definition of a smart material.
Worksheet with some key questions for everyone to be completed during powerpoint and to avoid them getting that glazed look and break up the note taking/clip watching. This can also be used as evidence to later mark (and then remark in order to close the loop just in case ofsted rock up.)
Save yourself a day's worth of hunting for appropriate videos and download this fully editable resource. Happy Sunday.
Fully editable document containing 28 differentiated homework/revision tasks including:
Material properties.
Manufacturing processes.
Scales of production.
Machining techniques.
Selecting and using tools for drilling, milling and turning.
Engineering sectors.
The 6 R's.
Material properties.
Tasks are rated as easy, medium, difficult. I tell my students that they should attempt the task that is closest to their target grade easy (pass) medium (merit) difficult (distinction) but preferably one grade above. Sometimes there is choice element to the activities so that student will engage more fully with the tasks. There are a range of tasks that are designed to take students 20 minutes at home.
This booklet allows students to gather information on woods, metals, polymers using material properties. This pack should upload into google drive or classroom with little formatting (or as an editable pdf.) I plan to use this so that I can monitor my students progress, how easy it is for us to assume they have made their own notes... And even more frustrating that deep down we know they don't.
There a 9 pages in total including the relevant section of the specification.
I plan to create a booklet for each section! Thanks for looking.
A 16 question, editable 50 mark mock exam including the follow topics.
Modern high performance materials.
The 6 R's
Renewable Energy
Health and Safety
Mass Production.
See my other mock exam for different questions!
Free for NQT's, just get in touch.
Three pdf worksheets aimed at teaching students the stages of investment casting.
The first resource asks students to watch a ten minute youtube clip and then write the stages of investment casting onto the worksheet.
There are times given (in minutes and seconds) where the teacher can pause the video and students are given keywords to allow them to learn the correct terminology.
This could also be given as a homework.
The second task is to revise the process by cutting and sticking the icons into the correct order.
Any questions just ask!
*Colours correted, some of the pictures were wax coloured, not aluminium coloured
Three worksheets aimed at teaching students about the stages of investment casting.
The first resource asks students to watch a ten minute youtube clip and then write the stages of investment casting onto the worksheet.
There are times given (in minutes and seconds) where the teacher can pause the video and students are given keywords to allow them to learn the correct terminology.
This could also be given as a homework.
The second task is to revise the process by cutting and sticking the icons into the correct order.
Any questions just ask!
A presentation, with supporting worksheets at the end, that teaches students the benefits and limitations of different drawing techniques prior to undertaking the assignment. (Includes Isometric, Oblique and Orthographic Projections.)