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An Inspector Calls worksheets
Collection of differentiated worksheets for analysing An Inspector Calls. Suitable for Y9-11.

Essay plans for ALL Jekyll & Hyde themes/characters
Exam question intros and plans for all potential Jekyll and Hyde topics- easy revision resource or teaching resource for how to structure essays. Aimed at GCSE.

Full Scheme Intro to Comedy A Level AQA Spec B
Introduction to A Level Literature (AQA) Comedy. Six lessons, including a Y11 transition to A level lesson. Reading list and canon articles included. Introduces key ideas on how to approach the study of comedy texts and focuses on comedy as a protest; differences between tragedy and comedy; conventions of comedy; theories of comedy.

RSE- Healthy Relationships Y7 6 lesson scheme
Full SOW- 7 lessons on healthy relationships. Aimed at Y7 pupils. Assessment Task included.

Collection of Jekyll and Hyde worksheets
Collection of differentiated worksheets for analysing Jekyll and Hyde. Suitable for Y9-11.

AQA English Language P1, Q4 Writer's Perspectives
A unique way of exploring P1, Q4 and looking at how to discuss a writer’s perspective. Explores this question from a fun, psychology centred point of view which pupils really enjoy. Resources included.

Jekyll and Hyde key quotes flashcards
Flashcards- blank quote on one side and detailed analysis on the other. Print on normal paper or laminate to use as a repeated resource. 17 quotes/things to analyse in total.

Of Mice and Men full scheme (28 lessons)
Entire scheme of work aimed at Y9 pupils but suitable for Y8-11. Focusses on reading Of Mice and Men and developing A01, A02, and A03. Includes context, extended essay questions, reading tasks, all worksheets/work booklet etc.

An Inspector Calls full scheme with resources Y11
Aimed at Y11 but suitable for Y10 also. Challenging scheme intended for 3 lessons a week for a full term. All resources included.

Complete J&H Scheme of Work- all resources included
Complete scheme of work (3 lessons per week for a full school term). Aimed at Y10 but suitable for Y11 and/or Y9. All worksheets included.

Full Animal Farm Reading Scheme of Work- 17 lessons and resources
Animal Farm reading SoW for Y7 but suitable for all of KS3 and LPA KS4. All resources included. Lesson 1 is available for free as a taster.

Huge collection of PSHE form time short lessons
Covers drugs, protected characteristics, relationships etc etc. Suitable for years 9, 10 and 11.

My Last Duchess- 2 lessons plus worksheets
GCSE lessons on My Last Duchess. Includes context, analysis and lesson planning. Resources included.

Language P1 guide- AQA
Top tips and model responses with colour coding and commentary to aid pupils with revision and with creating their own Paper 1 responses.

Poetry comparison guide with model answer
A model response to a poetry comparison (Power and Conflict) question with commentary and colour coding to help pupils when structuring their own responses.

Animal Farm Lesson 1
Full first lesson and worksheet for unit. Taster lesson- rest of unit is available to buy. Suitable for KS3 or KS4.

London lesson and worksheets
Full lesson with fact file and detailed worksheet. Suitable for Y9-11.
Please review if downloading :)

Romeo and Juliet key quotes sheet
Key quotes with some words missing to be filled in. Space for analysis. Great revision resource.
Please review if downloading :)