This powerpoint and the associated pictures can be used together to deliver Learning Aim C for Unit 15 Investigating Retail.
I laminated and cut the photos up to help students througout the theory sessions categories, put in order, discuss and share their thoughts on stock control, supply chain management and logistics.
I’ve received a lot of praise for my scheme of work in observations, it has evolved over the last 5 years and I’m now really happy with my standard lesson planning structure. All new lessons slot into this format (for all subjects). This example is for an intro lesson to Tectonics as AS.
Update December 2018 - just been observed, outstanding again - planning, recall, stretch, questioning, english and maths, AfL AoL E&D and British Values all included.
Update Oct 2019 - Learning Walk observation outstanding - lesson shows evidence of detailed planning and focus on individual learner progression.
Students can feel over faced by a high tariff extended writing task such as the 33 mark essays in Geographical Debates on the OCR A Level Geography Spec, my group have gained confidence by using this planner to improve their paragraphs and overall structure.
Get your students out on the high street studying their local retail area with this handy powerpoint and worksheet ready to be made suitable for your hometown.
Questions from across the Pearson / Edexcel Spec for A Level Geog Superpowers. Use these at home for revision one a day style or in class and bounce the questions between students. My A* - C group really found these helpful, they show up gaps in knowledge, there is no hiding and each question turns into a group discussion, recalling case studies and detail.
I’ve created this powerpoint from scratch, developed using the specification from Pearson/Edexcel and builiding activities and exercises that will make for active lessons and enable the students to complete the assignment on retailing in their local area.
Insert your local town, update the maps copying and pasting from google maps (no copyright issues in educational setting) and you are good to go.
Grab a full set of Unit 7 learning mats, tried and tested with this years new spec cohort, students love being able to consolidate their notes into one place. Works well for revision and planning how to approach the Part A of a set task.
Presentation created from scratch to match the specification and activities in BTEC Book 2, as well as a set of cards to stimulate class discussion, sorting exercise and categorising activity. A worksheet to consolidate knowledge which can then be used to prepare the analysis/ merit elements of the final assignment for this unit.
Created to support the teaching of theory for Unit 5 International Business Learning Aim B, this powerpoint has activities and knowledge sharing sections to create a varied and stimulating lesson.
PowerPoint created from scratch to match the specification requirements for learning aim D - Culture in international business. Use this to frame a lesson, activities and discussion. Enabling students to then write up a super assignment P7.
These are so useful for AS and A Level students, they find them a good way to trigger some investigation into their notes or the text book.
My most recent A*-C group found them useful in class because if the students pick a question for a classmate there is no hiding, sometimes we have to ‘phone a friend’ and see if anyone can answer it, this shows up the gaps in knowledge and we make more notes, get the old lesson powerpoint out and recap what is missing.
The theme of the question can also be used with multiple command words, this builds confidence and depth of knowledge. It is handy for working through from describe, explain, assess, evaluate, describe a case study, recall the facts you remember about… to compare that with and what is your standpoint in relation to,
all the powerpoints, handouts and activities needed to deliver Unit 5 successfully. All original created from scratch using the specification, teaching case studies borrowed from A Level Geography (my other subject).
Practical approaches to revising exam style questions, use for group work, alter the command word, use for recall or structure practice and discussion.
My A* to C class invented a pass it forward game where they pick a question and pick another student to answer it, who can then “phone a friend” and get help from another classmate.
Using an exam wrapper saves you time, you give whole group feedback, live, students record their individual feedback and how they plan to act on this.
I’ve used it with Y12 and Y13, they absolutely love it, it makes ‘lets go through the paper’ meaningful. They don’t just see their grade and shove it in their file.
Use in class for think pair share, bounce questions, individual or group learning, retrieval practice and confidence building. Teach your students to alter the command words and make more questions themselves from this.
A step by step scaffolded tool for consolidating theory and encouraging students to apply the knowledge from block diagrams and theories of plate tectonics together and make arguments.
First step is to draw the subduction zone benioff zone block diagram and annotate it.
Then draw the subduction zone chain of volcanos scenario and annotate it
Then make arguments about how well these two bits of scientific understanding support the differing plate tectonic theories.
Final part is a gapped summary with assessment embedded to enable the weaker students to see how to build an argument.
Worked well with year 1s today, showed up gaps in understanding around formation of volcanoes near ocean trenches.
These are so useful for AS and A Level students, they find them a good way to trigger some investigation into their notes or the text book.
My most recent A*-C group found them useful in class because if the students pick a question for a classmate there is no hiding, sometimes we have to ‘phone a friend’ and see if anyone can answer it, this shows up the gaps in knowledge and we make more notes, get the old lesson powerpoint out and recap what is missing.
The theme of the question can also be used with multiple command words, this builds confidence and depth of knowledge. It is handy for working through from describe, explain, assess, evaluate, describe a case study, recall the facts you remember about… to compare that with and what is your standpoint in relation to,
I found this useful for helping students decode assess questions where the ‘other hand’ is not always obvious to them. Over time I repeat this but give them fewer and fewer hints. Also useful for revision.
The key is getting them to understand the value of the balance at the bottom.