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Number and Place Value Worksheets

Number and Place Value Worksheets

Worksheets suitable for learning place value up to 3 digits (NC Year 3). Can be easily used as part of a lesson, as a starter or to consolidate learning. Thanks, Ann x
Place Value Games

Place Value Games

A range of games for place value Cut and laminate to keep forever! Written and Numerals Dominoes: A dominoes game matching the number with its written form. All numbers are under 1000. Children can either play on their own or competitively using standard Dominoes rules. Maths Rounding Pairs: A matching game. Children will match a number to the number it rounds to. Children can either play on their own, with another person, or competitively using card game rules, such as snap. Number Square Jigsaw: Number square with missing numbers. Children should be encouraged to use knowledge of 1 more/less, 10 more/less to work out the missing numbers. This can also be cut into jigsaw pieces for children to put back together. Place Value Game: Children to arrange number cards on a htu grid depending on what the game card says. Thanks, Ann x