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ELECTRICITY Word Search Puzzle - Science Game - Worksheet Activity - PDF

ELECTRICITY Word Search Puzzle - Science Game - Worksheet Activity - PDF

Your students are sure to enjoy looking for all of the electricity vocabulary words hidden in this puzzle worksheet. The words are hidden in all directions and there may be some overlaps making this a challenging word search. A great activity for early finishers or just for something fun to take home and enjoy. What is all included? ✔ Word search puzzle on Electricity - Colored (PDF) ✔ Word search puzzle on Electricity - Black & White (PDF) ✔ Puzzle Solution (PDF) Two versions of the puzzle are included. One has the colored illustration and the other has a black outlined illustration (which saves on printing costs and gives puzzlers something to color in). The 24 hidden vocabulary words are: Electricity, Energy, Electrons, Charge, Atoms, Negative, Positive, Static, Current, Sparks, Neutral, Circuit, Device, Wire, Fan, Bulb, Movement, Cheapest, Efficient, Shock, Laptop, Lightning, Switch, Motor Thank you very much for choosing Emroline. Questions or Comments? We welcome all questions or comments! Please feel free to e-mail us at support@emroline.com Keywords(For Search Engines): electricity activity, electricity and magnetism, solar energy activity, fall word search, science word search, sub plans, folder, file, no prep, morning work, homework, lesson plan supplement, literacy, vocabulary, wordsearch, worksheet, printable, handout, party game, project or unit supplement, facts, trivia, distance learning, brain break, after testing fun, theme, sponge activity
Accounting Word Search Puzzle Printable PDF

Accounting Word Search Puzzle Printable PDF

Enjoy this engaging word search puzzle with your students. This puzzles contains 30 words about Accounting. In our classroom, we have found that word search puzzles are great at engaging students. They also fit very well as filler activities and homework. Early finishers also love solving these puzzles. What is all included? ✔ Word search puzzle on Accounting (PDF) ✔ Word search puzzle on Accounting - Black & White (PDF) ✔ Puzzle Solution (PDF) Vocabulary (30 Words): Depreciation, Invoice, Credit, Prepaid, Adjustment, Asset, Memorandum, Salary, Liability, Accounts, Payroll, Corporation, Share, Cash, Sales, Source, Balance, Equity, Capital, Inventory, Merchandise, Ledger, Payments, Debit, Expenses, Dividend, Journal, Revenue, Receipt, Purchase
Electromagnetism (Electromagnet) Word Search Puzzle - Science Game Worksheet PDF

Electromagnetism (Electromagnet) Word Search Puzzle - Science Game Worksheet PDF

Your students will love this challenging word search puzzle about ELECTROMAGNETISM. The words are hidden in all directions with overlaps. A great activity to engage your students or just for something fun to take home and enjoy. Two versions of puzzle is included. One is colored and the other one is Black and White. If you want to save printer ink, you can use the Black & White version. The black and white version also has outlined illustrations that your students will enjoy coloring. What is all included? ✔ Word search puzzle on Electromagnetism - Colored (PDF) ✔ Word search puzzle on Electromagnetism - Black & White (PDF) ✔ Puzzle Solution (PDF) The 28 hidden vocabulary words are: Attract, Magnetic Field, Wire, Iron, Temporary, Nickel, Ferromagnetic, Electromagnet, Solenoid, Coil, Technology, Cobalt, Electricity, Direction, Opposite, Compass, Magnetism, Motor, Circuit, South Pole, Cranes, Dynamo, Electric Current, Induction, Like, Device, Repel, North Pole Thank you very much for choosing Emroline. Questions or Comments? We welcome all questions or comments! Please feel free to e-mail us at support@emroline.com Keywords(For Search Engines): magnets, magnetism, electricity, wordsearch, activity, worksheet, no prep, game, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grad