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Goodnight Mr Tom Year 5/6/7/8 3 WEEK Planning

Goodnight Mr Tom Year 5/6/7/8 3 WEEK Planning

Designed for Year 6 but easily adaptable. The purpose is 1 week reading, 1 week GPS and 1 week writing with publishing. Throughout there are multiple opportunities for writing to gather evidence for assessments/KS2 Writing covers 2014 national curriculum comprehension resources included added resource of challenge activities for the same chapters as are used in the plans
Planning a Text Based English Curriculum - A Comprehensive Package applicable to KS1/2/3

Planning a Text Based English Curriculum - A Comprehensive Package applicable to KS1/2/3

This is a series of resources that I put together to form an English Curriculum in response to the 2014 Curriculum. It encourages dedicating a week of Reading, GPS then Writing. Through completing a week of Reading and GPS you are able to gather a wealth of knowledge and resources that will all apply to the final writing completed at the end of week 3. This has proven results for all abilities.