Full extended notes on the themes, symbols and motifs in A Streetcar Named Desire.
Useful for essays or revision
I achieved an A* in English Literature
Summarised notes on themes, symbols and motifs in A Streetcar Named Desire.
This is a brief summary however I have a more detailed analysis of the full list of themes, symbols and motifs on my page.
English Literature
Useful for revision
Notes on A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams .
AS/Alevel English extended notes covering historical context, social context, biographical context of the author and dramatic structure.
EDEXCEL awarding body.
An essay exploring the presentation of Identity in Shakespeare’s play Othello.
Intended for A level students for the awarding body EDEXCEL.
‘Explore Shakespeare’s presentation of identity in Othello. You must relate your discussion to relevant contextual factors.’
I achieved an A* in English Literature at A Level
Phonics wordsearch bundle. 15 wordsearches
Wordsearch bundle for phonics scheme. Can be used as activities for a range of ages and abilities. Includes ch,sh,th,medial i, magic e, ar, ay and more.