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Flat Stanley Reading Trifold
Flat Stanley is a great story for kids to connect with. Students can engage with this story through the questions and responses that go chapter by chapter.
This would be a great addition to a guided reading group, literature circle, book club or whole group lesson. The trifold contains questions that are within, beyond and about the text to help students with comprehension.
Simply print and copy the pages front to back and fold into thirds.
Includes answer key
Asking and Answering Question ELA Unit
This three-day unit focuses on asking and answering questions about a text. This connects to CCSS RL2.1. The students are engaging in conversations and learning how to answer questions about a text, but also ways to ask questions about what they are reading. This unit includes 3 Interactive Read Aloud lesson plans and corresponding graphic organizers with premade questions for the students to answer, as well as a blank graphic organizer for them to create their own questions.
The Interactive Read Aloud lessons included are for these books:
The Wednesday Surprise - Eve Bunting
If you find a Rock - Peggy Christian
Cinderella - traditional story
Number strings worksheet
Included in this download are 4 number string worksheets, a student friendly instruction and example page that can be cut and glued in their notebooks, and a Race the Calculator game.
These activities allow students to work on their fluency with adding numbers and using mental strategies.
Charlotte's Web Novel Study
Charlotte’s Web is a fun, engaging, and moving story for students of all ages. With this booklet, the students have chapter-by-chapter questions to deepen their reading comprehension skills.
Aligned with common core standards.
Simply staple the pages together for students to have their own booklet.
They can either independently read through the book and complete the pages as they go or the book can be used as a whole group read aloud.
Today's Number Daily Math Sheet
Today’s Number Math Worksheet is a great way for students to practice many different skills involving place value all at once. You can post the number on the board or at a math center for the students to write in the box at the top. They can then choose 10 boxes to complete. This is a great independent activity or homework. It also gives the students the opportunity for choice and it can help give you an idea where to head with your next lessons.
Connects to these standards:
2.NBT.A.1 Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones; e.g., 706 equals 7 hundreds, 0 tens, and 6 ones.
2.NBT.A.3 Read and write numbers to 1000 using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form
2.NBT.B.8 Mentally add 10 or 100 to a given number 100-900, and mentally subtract 10 or 100 from a given number 100-900
Groundhog Day
Groundhog Day is a great time to do some fun activities with your students. This download would be a great addition to those quick mini science lessons you can tie in with this special day.
Use the “Where’s my Shadow” to not only match shapes, but discuss why we have shadows and how shadows can look different. You can also discuss with students about what groundhogs eat (herbivores) and other things that grow or live underground too