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The legacy of slavery KS3
KS3 lesson on the legacy of slavery, created using the legacies of British Slavery database.
Answers the key question: How did Britain and its people gain from the slave trade.
Tasks will answer three further questions -
Describe the types of people who held slaves
Explain the legacy of the slave trade on Britain’s landscape today.
The lesson is fully resourced -
An information sheet based on the database
A sorting activity based on the legacy of slavery in the UK today

AQA citizenship revision lesson, Paper 2
AQA citizenship revision lesson for paper 2.
Revises the following key questions from the spec:
What laws does a society require and why?
How does our justice system operate?
What are the principles of law in the UK?
Fully resourced - this lesson was planned so non-subject specialists could load up and teach.
Do now recall quiz from paper 1
Fully resourced tasks including key words and information sheets
Exam practice
Optional homework

AQA citizenship revision - Life in modern Britain
Fully resourced revision lesson for paper 2, life in modern Britain.
Key questions revised:
What international organisations does the UK belong to?
What is the UK’s relationship with the EU?
How does the UK try to solve international disputes?
How can citizens make a difference in society?
Lesson is planned so that a non-specialist can load and teach. Including:
Recall do now
Fully resourced tasks with information sheet
Extended writing exam practice
Optional homework sheet

AQA citizenship revision paper 2 - Life in Modern Britain
Fully resourced revision lesson
AQA citizenship revision lesson for paper 2.
Revises the following key questions from the spec:
What is the media and free press?
What are the rights, responsibilities and role of the media?
How and why are the press regulated?
Fully resourced - this lesson was planned so non-subject specialists could load up and teach.
Do now recall quiz from paper 1
Fully resourced tasks including key words and information sheets
Exam practice
Optional homework

AQA citizenship, P&P revision lesson
Fully resourced revision lesson for AQA citizenship exam.
Lesson covers themes from Paper 1 part B, politics and participation.
Answering the following key questions:
How are laws made and decided
How is a government formed
How is a government decided
Lesson includes :
Do now linked to Paper 2
Fully resourced tasks which suit each key question.
Extended exam practice
Optional homework activity

AQA Citizenship revision lessons Part 1
Fully resourced AQA GCSE Citizenship revision lesson.
Covers the following from the spec :
3.2.1 What are the principles and values that underpin British society?
• The key principles and values underpinning British society today.
• The human, moral, legal and political rights and the duties, equalities and freedoms of
• Key factors that create individual, group, national and global identities
This is lesson one of a 12-14 lesson swrie