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IGCSE Business Studies (Paper 1 & Paper 2) Revision Tips: How to score full marks
Hi students,
This is an amazing resource on IGCSE Business studies. It explains very clearly how to score full marks in IGCSE Business studies and to improve your current Business Studies grades.
It covers a clear explanation of the type of questions and Exam skills to be tested for both Paper 1 and Paper 2- Case study.
Moreover, you can find model exam questions and tips to get full marks on each type of questions.
I am sure, this well help you to focus on exam with a positive attitude.
All the Best

Capital Expenditure, Revenue Expenditure , Capital Receipts and Revenue Receipts
Capital Expenditure and Revenue Expenditure
Capital Receipts and Revenue Receipts
Identify the difference between Capital Expenditure and Revenue Expenditure &
Capital Receipts and Revenue Receipts.