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The Gruffalo - Year 2 Whole Class Reading - x4 30 min lessons

The Gruffalo - Year 2 Whole Class Reading - x4 30 min lessons

This resource includes a PPT that has been split into four lessons to be taught across one week, totaling 2 hours of reading lessons. This has been designed with an Autumn Term Year 2 class in mind but it can be altered for different age groups. Text not included - ensure you have the book to use alongside the resources. Lesson 1 - 30 Mins Lesson 2 - 30 Mins Lesson 3 and 4 - taught within 1 hour (lessons can be edited and split into 2 half hour sessions) Lesson 1 - Understanding of the text; includes questions for children to answer on whiteboards. Lesson 2 - Understanding of words; includes PPT slides for children to learn new vocabulary found within the text. Children should find these words in the text and read the sentence to try and make sense and understand the meaning of the word. Follow up activity for books included. Lesson 3 - Answering APE questions. Children re-read the text together. This is then followed by two questions - one to work through as a class (modelled by CT) and the second to be answered independently (accompanied with differentiated sheets). This lesson is designed to get children finding proof to their answers and explaining them. APE stands for Answer, Proof and Explain - this structures their answers. Lesson 4 - SAT-style questions. Children spend the final half an hour answering SAT-style questions.