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A Squash And A Squeeze Year 2 Reading Exemplification Moderation Decoding Comprehension Evidence

A Squash And A Squeeze Year 2 Reading Exemplification Moderation Decoding Comprehension Evidence

**A Squash And A Squeeze ** If you’re looking to collect extra evidence towards the end of KS1 reading statements, this resource will help you do just that. This download contains a range of materials you can use to gather evidence towards each of the statements for working towards, expected and greater depth. You can mix and match the resources included to meet the needs of your children. You have the option of using individual activities or there is an activity book for each standard. You may want to use them in lessons, interventions or as a purposeful SATS week activity. **Contents include: ** Word lists from the book to meet statements Suggestions for evidence collection for each statement Question sheets (retrieval, word reading, sequencing, inference, prediction) Reading fluencies Linking texts activities Predictions Inferences There are 80 pages in total so you can pick the most appropriate activities for your kiddos and create your own activity packs/lessons. You may use the snipping tool to create your own activity sheets as long as the sheets aren’t shared outside your class. Follow @the_imaginationfairy on instagram for teacher freebies & inspo :)