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NPQSL - Final, FAT and practice tasks - NEW cycle

NPQSL - Final, FAT and practice tasks - NEW cycle

I have included my final, FAT and practice tasks for all cycles. I have passed all of the cycles with these and includes an example of for the final submission on the NPQSL part of the new cycle which i completed with best practice network.
Introduction to explanation texts - PowerPoint Presentation - KS2

Introduction to explanation texts - PowerPoint Presentation - KS2

Introduction to explanation texts - PowerPoint Presentation Aimed at KS2 The PowerPoint Presentation includes: What explanation texts are? Where do you see explanation texts? Organisation of explanation texts. What are the key features of a explanation text? Impersonal Language Purpose, Audience and Layout of explanation texts. I have saved it in two versions on PowerPoint, if you have an older version. I have saved some previews of the slides. Easy to edit and adapt for your needs. Check out my other primary resources and planning here
SENCO Assignments  Bundle

SENCO Assignments Bundle

3 Resources
3 SENCO assignments that I used towards National SENCO (Special educational needs coordinator) Award part of the first unit from the University of Wolverhampton in partnership with SERCO. I received at least 70% for all of these assignments. Check out each one for more details.
SENCO assignment - Can mainstream primary schools be fully inclusive for pupils with ASD (ASC)?

SENCO assignment - Can mainstream primary schools be fully inclusive for pupils with ASD (ASC)?

SENCO assignment - Can mainstream primary schools be fully inclusive for pupils with ASD (ASC)? I completed this assignment as part of the National SENCO (Special educational needs coordinator) Award part of the first unit from the University of Wolverhampton in partnership with SERCO. I received 70% at masters level. CURRENT DISCOURSES ON INCLUSION AND SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS AND MY POSITION WITHIN THIS DISCUSSION Can mainstream primary schools be fully inclusive for pupils with ASD (ASC)? Abstract This assignment explores some of the current issues surrounding pupils with ASD in mainstream setting and how we can understand some of their difficulties that they may face. In addition, it identifies some of the key strategies that teachers’ may use to help pupils with ASD integrate into a mainstream setting and some of the issues that the teachers may face. <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/chrisball92 ">Check out my assignment that I completed for the award, resources and planning here</a>
Edit instruction text differentiated- Years 3 /4 LKS2 - Literacy

Edit instruction text differentiated- Years 3 /4 LKS2 - Literacy

Edit instructional text (How to make a cup of tea) 3 way differentiation - suitable for years 3 or 4. LA - editing for spelling and punctuation. MA - editing for spelling, punctuation, time adverbials and imperative verbs. HA - put instructions in the correct order and editing for spelling, punctuation, time adverbials and imperative verbs. It can easily be edited and adapted as required. Check out my other KS2 resources and planning!
Year 5 Fractions Planning

Year 5 Fractions Planning

Year 5 Planning Fractions Leaning Objectives / Intentions: To add and subtract fractions with the same denominator. To add fractions with different denominators. To subtract fractions with different denominators. To find fractions of quantities To solve problems involving fractions
Missing box column addition problems - Year 3 /4 L KS2 Differentiated Maths

Missing box column addition problems - Year 3 /4 L KS2 Differentiated Maths

UPDATED Missing box column addition problems - Answers included! 3 way differentiation Aimed at Year 3 / 4 LA - 2 digits by 2 digits moving on to 3 digits by 2 digits. (moving on to some carrying). MA - 3 digits by 2 digits moving on to 3 digits by 3 digits. (carrying). HA - 3 digits by 3 digits (carrying some answers into 1000's). The resource is fully editable and adaptable. Check out my other KS2 planning and resources!
Bonfire / Guy Fawkes Night 2017 - PowerPoint Presentation - Assembly or in class.

Bonfire / Guy Fawkes Night 2017 - PowerPoint Presentation - Assembly or in class.

Bonfire / Guy Fawkes Night 2017 PowerPoint Presentation - saved in 2 versions of PowerPoint for people using an older version of PowerPoint. It could be used in an assembly or in class. Bonfire / Guy Fawkes Night is on 5th November 2017 I have included some previews of the sides. It covers: What it is know as Guy Fawkes Gunpowder plot Link to a YouTube clip you will need the internet to play it, although it is embedded. Fireworks Keeping safe Easy to edit and adapt for your needs. Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here
SENCO - The use of LEGO therapy to improve social and communication skills with ASD (ASC) children.

SENCO - The use of LEGO therapy to improve social and communication skills with ASD (ASC) children.

Strengthening SEN Support: evidenced based practice and impact assessment. The use of LEGO therapy to improve social and communication skills with ASD (ASC) children. (Looking at the benefits and limitations of the lesson study approach). I completed this assignment as part of the National SENCO (Special educational needs coordinator) Award part of the second module from the University of Wolverhampton in partnership with SERCO. I received 70% at masters level. Check out my other assignments and KS2 resources and planning.
Mental Maths SATS paper 2005 Lesson

Mental Maths SATS paper 2005 Lesson

The lesson contains all that is needed to review the 2005 mental maths paper and to go through with pupils about how to answer the questions and giving different differentiated examples. Link to the audio file.
Microorganisms / Microbes lesson Yr 5/6

Microorganisms / Microbes lesson Yr 5/6

Contains a PowerPoint document on Microbes looking at different types such as bacteria, viruses and fungi. The focus is on bacteria and food hygiene. The activity is to create a leaflet for people that work with food based on the 6 food hygiene principles. The lesson plan is included. There is a link to a true or false quiz for the plenary.