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Cambridge Technicals Level 3 Sport Unit 3- Complete Revision Slides
Master CTECH Unit 3 with key revision questions, exam-style questions and QR access to mark schemes & answers!. Ideal for self-paced homework and exam success!
Maximize Your Success with the Unit 3 Complete Revision Pack!
Unlock the potential for excellence in Unit 3 - Understanding the Sports Industry with our all-encompassing revision resource. This comprehensive pack, is the perfect companion for students aiming to conquer the complexities of this unit.
Key Features:
Recall Tasks and Exam Questions: Dive deep into the intricacies of Unit 3 with purposefully designed recall tasks and exam-style questions covering all Learning Objectives (LOs).
QR Code Access to Answers: Elevate independent learning! Students can now scan QR codes for instant access to answers and mark schemes, allowing for self-paced completion and homework tasks.
Exam-Tested Approach: Sharpen your exam skills with meticulously compiled previous exam questions, strategically chosen to enhance understanding and technique.
All four learning outcomes are covered:
LO1: Understanding How Sport in the UK is Organised
LO2: Understanding Sports Development
LO3: Measuring the Impact of Sports Development
LO4: Sports Development in Practice
Flexible Learning Environments: Whether used in lessons, as homework, or for self-directed revision, these resources adapt seamlessly to diverse learning needs.
Innovative QR Code Feature:
Access Answers Anytime, Anywhere: Empower students to work at their own pace by providing instant access to answers and mark schemes through QR codes.
Empower your students with targeted and efficient revision – our Unit 3 pack is the ultimate support for mastering the intricacies of the Sports Industry.

OCR GCSE PE-Find & fix revision(23 resources)
On each page 16 statements on a topic are given. The task for students is to identify those that are true and those which contain errors and correct them. Here is a link to a free sample to you to download: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pXmXhlIbwzeF6raTmex_l1R1H8Xqpw1VeYj2LkGvBXM/edit?usp=sharing
These resources can be used as a revision tool in pairs or small groups to generate discussion. Students often spark ideas off each other and refer back to their earlier lesson notes to support their arguments. These sheets can also be used within lessons when teaching new content to students, either as a starter or plenary activity. Starter tasks are useful when teaching topics that students have previous knowledge or experience of, such as the short-term effects of exercise or the skeletal system. When used as a plenary, I have found that the class can become quite competitive in completing the sheets, and the discussions generated help to embed the learning from the lesson.
Answer sheets are provided for all 23 resources. Students can often identify errors in statements, but sometimes struggle to find the correct correction. These answer sheets can be used to give immediate feedback or for marking at a later time.
All areas of paper 1 & 2 are covered in this resource. Here is a list of all the topics covered in each resource:
types of guidance
types of feedback
skillful movement & skill classification
mental preparation and goal setting
health, fitness and wellbeing
drugs in sport (PEDs)
diet & nutrition
warm ups
skeletal system
short term effects of exercise
respiratory system and aerobic & anaerobic activity
principles of training
preventing injuries
muscular system
movement analysis
methods of training
long term effects of exercise (training)
ethics and violence in sport
engagement patterns in sport & activity in the UK
cool downs
components of fitness
commercialsation of sport
cardiovascular system

Cambridge Technicals Level 3 Sport Unit 1- Complete Revision Slides
This is a complete set of revision pages for Examination Unit 1- principles of anatomy and physiology in sport. Resources ready to use ‘straight out the box’. You’ll really struggle to find a set this cheap and of similar quality. 48 pages in total of high quality resources!
Recall tasks have been designed for all 5 LOs and previous exam questions collated to develop the understanding and exam technique of students.
Answer sheets with exam board mark schemes have been included.
In this resource the following A4 revision pages in pdf files are included:
LO1 skeletal system (x8 pages)
LO2 Muscular system (x6 pages)
LO3 cardiovascular system (x8 pages )
LO4 respiratory system (x8 pages)
LO5 energy systems (x10 pages)
LO1&LO2 Movement Analysis (x6 pages)
These resources can be used as part of lessons, homeworks or revision activities.

OCR GCSE PE- Clock revision paper 1 & 2 (23 resources)
Revision clocks are designed to help students break down revision into manageable segments. 23 different OCR GCSE revision topics have been broken down into revision sheets. Answer sheets have been provided for each as well. Link to a free sample to download is here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1MUnTkox0aG198ktEKZxKhLF2E3EQ0BSRcCj6ZSUa80w/edit?usp=sharing
I have used these resources successfully in lessons and have provided them for students to practice at home. The revision clocks have been particularly effective in helping students break down revision into manageable segments. Not only do they help students stay organized and focused, but they also add an element of time pressure that mimics the conditions of an exam.
Students seem to enjoy using these revision clocks and find them engaging and motivating. They appreciate the clear structure and the fact that the revision is focused on specific topics. The answer sheets provided for each topic allow students to check their understanding and identify areas that need further attention. This immediate feedback is especially useful during lessons, as it allows for the correction of misconceptions and the filling of gaps in knowledge and understanding. In fact, I recently received excellent feedback from a lesson observation that praised the use of these resources, particularly the high level of challenge they set for students and the use of immediate feedback to deepen their understanding.
Overall, these resources have proven to be a valuable tool for both teachers and students alike, helping to make revision more effective, enjoyable, and rewarding. Here is a list of all the topic areas covered:
-types of feedback
types of guidance
motor skills ans skillful movement
goal setting and SMART targets
classification of skill and mental preparation
performance enhancing drugs
ethics of sport
commercialisation of sport
factors affecting participation
prevention of injury
potential hazards
warm ups
cool downs
principles of training
training methods
components of fitness
short term effects of exercise
long term effects of exercise
respiratory system
cardiovascular system
movement analysis
muscular system
skeletal system

KS3 team building SOW-35activities,12lessons
This team-building SOW for KS3 consists of 12 lessons, 35 activities, and includes video links and QR codes for easy access to resources.
With ‘challenge’ and ‘guidance’ cards, it’s perfect for PE departments looking for exciting and valuable ways to build teamwork in a sports hall setting. All activities use standard equipment, making it a cost-effective solution.
The scheme of work includes QR codes and video links for easy access to resources, allowing staff to see how activities work in practice and share them with students. This feature is especially helpful when groups are struggling with a task. Additionally, a well-structured scheme of work is in place, allowing for seamless progression through the difficulty levels across years 7-9.
These lessons have also been successful for engaging key stage 4 and sixth form students. The lessons have been designed for ‘double lessons’ (90mins), providing ample time for students to engage with the tasks and develop their teamwork skills. However activities can be used separately or together however best fits your school , organisation or students.
Overall, this team-building scheme of work is a highly valuable resource for any PE department looking to develop their OAA offer at low cost and remain on site.
Preview images of some resources are included but others have been blanked. Rest assured that all 33 resources are complete, detailed and available once purchased. Click on the link here to get a free download of ‘super circle sit challenge’ to see what full resources are like- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CVFEmmx4sl1uAj2E8tkIXVtzs2kI3sGj/view?usp=share_link
List of team building activities included in resource:

Unit 17-sport injuries & rehabilitation
A complete Unit 17 Sports Injuries & Rehab resource.
All necessary presentations, assignments, and worksheets for Cambridge Technicals Level 3 included.
Inside, find well crafted presentations, model assignments, and worksheets tailored for Unit 17 Sports Injuries & Rehab.
Designed to streamline teaching, this resource offers clear guidance for students and straightforward teaching resources for staff to use and adapt.
Click the link here to get free access to LO1 resources- try before you buy!-

OCR GCSE PE Homeworks- Complete Set with QR codes
Boost GCSE PE success with 18 comprehensive OCR homework sheets! Each 2 sided A4 sheet combines topic recall and exam practice, plus an optional QR code for self-marking, giving students instant feedback and driving engagement.
Here is a link to an example of a homework task for the muscular system: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QmUKvG7LuiKfTBtl0dHEmg2LCIC_Z-1H/view?usp=sharing
Transform GCSE PE revision with 18 ready-to-use OCR-aligned homework sheets! A4 worksheet is double-sided, with essential topic recall on one side and targeted exam questions on the other. Equipped with a unique QR code for easy access to mark schemes, students can assess their answers immediately for real-time feedback and improved learning impact. For educators preferring traditional marking, versions without QR codes are also available. Drive engagement, boost comprehension, and make homework truly impactful with these high-quality resources.
Including QR codes for self-marking not only enhances learning through immediate feedback but also significantly boosts homework completion rates. Students gain quick insights into their understanding and answer quality, bridging gaps without waiting days for teacher feedback. This approach has proven highly effective in my experience, encouraging greater student engagement, accountability, and consistency across classes. With the option to self-assess, students take ownership of their progress, making homework an active tool for improvement rather than a passive task.

CACHE Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care HSC DM3.1 Unit of work: Anatomy & Physiology Exam
This pack contains an entire scheme of work for unit HSC DM3.1 Anatomy and Physioloyy for health and Social Care.
I used this to prepare students for external examination. Powerpoints, revision resources and mock examination questions were delivered over 24 1 hour lessons but could be adapted to shorter or longer units.
Pack contains PowerPoints for all aspects of the unit. These include animations and links to YouTube videos when possible to help illustrate physiological functions clearly.
Revision mind maps were created for all sections as were a series of practice exam style questions for body stems structure and function.
Sections include:
Cardiovascular System
Digestive System
Endocrine System
Excretory/Urinary System
Integumetary System
Muscular System
Nervous System
Reproductive System
Respiratory System
Skeletal System
Relationship between organ systems
Be able to obtain and record physiological measurements
Factors that can affect changes in physiological measurements

OCR GCSE PE Paper 1 Complete Low Stakes Revision
Strengthen your grasp on Paper 1 with comprehensive low stakes quizzes and questions. This resource includes simple questions, matching, and labeling tasks, perfect for stress-free study sessions. Ideal for final revision on exam day, prep for mock exams, or as starter tasks for spaced retrieval. Supplied answer sheets/mark schemes provide instant feedback for students, making it versatile for classroom, homework, or independent study.
Resource is provided in both pdf and powerpoint formats and in 3 different presentation styles for your use:
(A4- class work
16:9- classroom (smart board) presentation
A4- 2 slides per page for use as a homework/independent revision task)
Below is a link to a sample of the 16:9 presentation on google slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1bF3JDoBDTDSTY5ZKxRWj9O8SLdQ0cQEvCh1K0xo3ENw/edit?usp=sharing