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Advertisements, News and Media

Advertisements, News and Media

Includes Nando Homework Identify the features of an advertisement Identify the GAP (Genre, Audience and Purpose) Analyse the positive and negatives effects advertising has and how it effects our lives Identify Slogans, Logos, Images and colour used in adverts and explain their effectiveness Identify persuasion techniques used in advertising Be able to create own advert Identify fake news and evaluate its impact Be able to identify the features of a newspaper Be able to write a newspaper article
Character Study Year 10

Character Study Year 10

Introduction to key terms Understand how a writer presents characters differently Recognise how writers shape the readers attitude towards a character Recognise writer’s choice of language- nouns, verbs, adjectives FATSLOB STEAL Indirect Characterisation Explicit and Implicit Meaning Text Extracts PEE Paragraphs
Newspapers Year 8 English

Newspapers Year 8 English

Main Types of Newspapers Biased and Unbiased Features of a Newspaper Model Newspaper Text included Language and content used in newspaper articles Sample news articles and video Direct and Indirect speech
Year 10 Writer's Craft

Year 10 Writer's Craft

Recognise writers choice of language- nouns, verbs, adjectives; Recognise how writers craft: by comparison, choice of words, descriptive detail, distinctive speech and other language techniques; punctuation, sentence structure Respond to texts critically and effectively; Select and evaluate relevant textual material; Use details from texts to illustrate interpretations Evaluate effectiveness of writers craft in achieving desired impact upon the reader/audience Sample Extracts included
Persuasive Writing

Persuasive Writing

Know and understand basic persuasive devices- DAFORESTMAPS Know the persuasive writing criteria (6 paragraphs) Read and understand persuasive texts;  Respond to texts critically and effectively;  Select and evaluate relevant textual material;  Use details from texts to illustrate interpretations;  Explain and evaluate the ways in which non-fiction texts express meaning and achieve effects; Write persuasively taking into account purpose and audience Ethos, Logos, Pathos Genre, Audience, Purpose Examples of Persuasive Texts