SEN - KS1 - Y1
PP resource so you can edit it to match your teaching and your student’s needs.
Use of widgit symbols to support students with learning disabilities / difficulties.
8 characters in total from classic books and Monsters Inc.
Students are encouraged to discuss what a character is (e.g. a character is a person, an animal or a monster, or something that has feelings, such as Simon sock).
Students to explore different books and discuss who are the characters. During input, teacher and students to describe them. Worksheets for independent work. Students are encouraged to have books to further explore their character.
You can change the characters if you wish.
SEN - KS1 - Y1
PP resource so you can edit it to match your teaching and your student’s needs.
Use of widgit symbols to support students with learning disabilities / difficulties.
8 characters in total from classic books.
Students are encouraged to recap and discuss what a character is (e.g. a character is a person, an animal or a monster, or something that has feelings, such as Simon sock).
Students to explore different books and discuss who are the characters. During input, teacher and students to describe them. Worksheets for independent work. Students are encouraged to have books to further explore their character.
You can change the characters if you wish.
SEN - KS1 - Y1
PP resource so you can edit it to match your teaching and your student’s needs.
Use of widgit symbols to support students with learning disabilities / difficulties.
Students are encouraged to recap and discuss what a character is (e.g. a character is a person, an animal or a monster, or something that has feelings, such as Simon sock).
Students to be offered the word bank with adjectives and choose at least three of them to design their own character.
SEN - KS1 - Y1
PP resource so you can edit it to match your teaching and your student’s needs.
Use of widgit symbols to support students with learning disabilities / difficulties.
Students are encouraged to discuss various settings (e.g school, home, bedroom, farm, zoo, etc.). Students to explore different books and discuss where it’s set.