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English language Paper 2 - Question 3

English language Paper 2 - Question 3

Created for an interview lesson but could easily be adapted for a normal lesson based on question 3 of AQA English language paper 2. I got students to focus on the use of personification and chremamorphism and then they explored the effect of this while writing their PEA. It could easily be set as a homework as well because it is all pretty self explanatory. If you are able to, please add a review! Thanks.
AQA Romeo and Juliet revision guide

AQA Romeo and Juliet revision guide

Booklet includes revision tips and how to use the booklet. Inside students will find key character quotations and areas for students to make links with themes before picking their top 10 quotations. There is also space for students to complete paragraphs on their chosen quotations as well as success criteria to mark their own and produce a target. At the back, there are a couple of example questions for students to complete. This was created for AQA English literature paper 1 grades 1-9. I’m sure that it could be adapted for other exam boards. If you are able to, please add a review! Thanks.
AQA English language - Paper 1 Section B. Gothic Writing and suspense.

AQA English language - Paper 1 Section B. Gothic Writing and suspense.

Lesson based on creating suspense in a piece of gothic writing. Lesson includes video stimulus from The Woman in White as well as images to prompt ideas on creating setting. Vocabulary building is included as well as differentiation and support during the writing task. Peer assessment targets are included for students to choose from when marking each other’s work.
AQA Jekyll and Hyde revision booklet

AQA Jekyll and Hyde revision booklet

Revision guide created for students revisingJekyll and Hyde. The booklet includes key quotations, prompts for students on picking out top 10 quotations, example questions. I have a free Romeo and Juliet version of this on here so look at that if you want to see the type of thing that it includes. This one also includes a context section for students to work through - some are research based and some are prompts that need to be linked to the text.
AQA English Language - Paper 2 Question 3

AQA English Language - Paper 2 Question 3

Based on question 3 of AQA English language paper 2. Students read the extract from Mary Seacole’s autobiography. They then complete a table where they find quotations to answer the question, identify the language features and comment on the effect of the language device. Students then use this table to write a PEA which they can self assess using the checklist. It could easily be set as a homework as well because it is all pretty self explanatory. Differentiated sheet included. This would also be helpful in terms on understanding the poem ‘Checking Out Me History’ as it would develop an initial understanding of Mary Seacole. If you are able to, please add a review! Thanks.
AQA DNA Dennis Kelly revision guide

AQA DNA Dennis Kelly revision guide

Booklet includes revision tips and how to use the booklet. Inside students will find key character quotations and areas for students to make links with themes before picking their top 10 quotations. There is also space for students to complete paragraphs on their chosen quotations as well as success criteria to mark their own and produce a target. At the back, there are a couple of example questions for students to complete. This was created for AQA English literature paper 1 grades 1-9. I’m sure that it could be adapted for other exam boards. If you are able to, please add a review! Thanks.
AQA Macbeth Revision Booklet

AQA Macbeth Revision Booklet

Booklet includes revision tips and how to use the booklet. Inside students will find key character quotations and areas for students to make links with themes before picking their top 10 quotations. There is also space for students to complete paragraphs on their chosen quotations as well as success criteria to mark their own and produce a target. This was created for AQA English literature paper 1 grades 1-9. I’m sure that it could be adapted for other exam boards. If you are able to, please add a review! Thanks.
AQA English Language - Paper 2 Question 3

AQA English Language - Paper 2 Question 3

Based on question 3 of AQA English language paper 2. Students read the extract about Ragged Schools. They then complete a table where they find quotations to answer the question, identify the language features and comment on the effect of the language device. Students then use this table to write a PEA which they can self assess using the checklist. It could easily be set as a homework as well because it is all pretty self explanatory. Differentiated sheet included. If you are able to, please add a review! Thanks.
Jekyll and Hyde - Hyde and Zoomorphism

Jekyll and Hyde - Hyde and Zoomorphism

Lesson focuses on analysing the effect of the zoomorphism used to describe Hyde. Students look at extracts from 3 different parts in the text and annotate it with thoughts before using their ideas to write an exam style answer.
Unpacking metaphors - Jekyll and Hyde

Unpacking metaphors - Jekyll and Hyde

Lesson focused on unpacking metaphors - explores the terms ‘tenor’ and ‘vehicle’ in order to get a GCSE class to unpack the metaphors fully and focus on the intended impact. Lesson includes character tracking sheet using extracts from chapters 6, 7 and 10. The first example on the PPT to explain metaphors is from Romeo and Juliet using the straightforward metaphor ‘Juliet is the sun.’ and then students transfer this knowledge on the shipwreck metaphor. Created for a lesson observation and brilliant feedback given. Reviews and feedback welcome.
Sentence function - AQA English Language - Paper 1

Sentence function - AQA English Language - Paper 1

Lesson focuses on understanding the effect of sentence functions - declarative, imperative, interrogative and exclamatory sentences. Jane Eyre extract is used to develop skills for AQA English Language Paper 1. The lesson focuses on question 2 and includes an example question.
Gothic and Exposition - AQA English Language Paper 1 - Section B

Gothic and Exposition - AQA English Language Paper 1 - Section B

Lesson focuses on including characters into a narrative and goes over exposition. Starter focuses on revising word class to support teaching of terminology. A Dracula extract is used to support ideas and a slow writing frame is included as differentiation. Peer checklist also included for feedback.
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section B

AQA English Language Paper 1 Section B

Lesson goes through a writing question for AQA English language paper 1. It includes an example paper using the correct layout and focuses on sentence structure, including how to use fragment sentences. Grammar terms are embedded throughout to develop understanding of sentence structures. PPT also contains a PPT slide for support/differentiation which includes vocabulary ideas, sentence starters and language features to include.
Romeo and Juliet Act 3 Scene 3 extract

Romeo and Juliet Act 3 Scene 3 extract

Publisher document covering an extract from Act 3 Scene 3 of Romeo and Juliet. The document includes an extract in the middle with questions around the side focusing on Friar Lawrence, Romeo and comparing Juliet’s turmoil to Romeo’s turmoil. Differentiated sheet included with questions that give more support with choosing relevant quotations. Easily used in lesson to support ideas before answering an exam question on how Romeo is presented as an over-emotional character.