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Technology Full Lesson Pack – IGCSE Global Citizenship
This pack covers the specification on Technology.
*Please note that some parts (CCS, alternative energy etc.) are covered in the Economic Development lessons as they were relevant to climate change.
Each lesson has a PowerPoint and sometimes worksheets.
They provide pupils with all the necessary information and test their skills through past paper style questions and other tasks.
There are also opportunities to plan and answer 9-mark questions with writing support.
All resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE Global Citizenship using their own research and the textbook.
IGCSE Global Citizenship Full Revision Pack
This bundle contains all the revision materials needed to prepare for the IGCSE Global Citizenship examination.
They could also be used to make lessons as they include all of the content and possible questions.
It contains a Community Action revision booklet which has model answers and guidance to help pupils practise the key questions.
It contains detailed booklets with all the information and a range of practice questions for the 4 themes – Politics and Governance, Economic Development, Culture and Community and Technology.
It contains an essay planning booklet which helps to predict and plan questions and provides notes on likely focuses.
All resources were produced by an experienced teacher of IGCSE Global Citizenship and used to prepare classes for examinations.
They were made using the IGCSE textbook and the teacher’s own research.
The Impact of WW2 on the German Home Front - Germany Part 5 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the impact of Allied bombing, total war, rationing and losses on the German home front during WW2.
It includes detailed notes to prepare pupils to write paragraphs for potential essays and 2 effects questions.
It also includes sources to practise.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 3 IGCSE books and 5 AS books and summarised.
IGCSE Global Citizenship Test Pack
This pack includes tests which can be used for Mock exams, midterm and end of term in Y10 and Y11.
It includes questions on all topics.
There are individuals tests for Politics and Governance, Economic Development and Culture.
There are lots of questions on Technology in the Mock exam and a section on the Community Action Project.
All resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE Global Citizenship using their own research and the textbook.
Technology Lesson 1 - Technology and Development - IGCSE Global Citizenship
This lesson comes with a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the impact of technology on development.
It provides notes and past paper style questions and tasks.
It was made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE Global Citizenship using their own research and the textbook.
Economic Development Full Lesson Pack – IGCSE Global Citizenship
This pack covers the specification on Economic Development.
*Please note that some parts of Technology (CCS, alternative energy etc.) are covered in the Economic Development lessons as they were relevant to climate change.
Each lesson has a PowerPoint and sometimes worksheets.
They provide pupils with all the necessary information and test their skills through past paper style questions and other tasks.
There are also opportunities to plan and answer 9-mark questions with writing support.
All resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE Global Citizenship using their own research and the textbook.
The Red Scare - The FBI, HUAC & Hollywood 10 – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 1 - IGCSE His
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers how the actions of the FBI, HUAC and the Hollywood 10 case contributed to the Red Scare.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.
The Munich Putsch – Germany Part 3 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet with notes and tasks.
It covers the causes, events and results of the Munich Putsch, as well as its significance in the survival of the Nazis.
It includes tasks which focus on predicted questions – 2 effects, source practice and possible essays.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 3 IGCSE books and 5 AS books and summarised.
Technology Lesson 3 – Technology & Inequality - IGCSE Global Citizenship
This lesson comes with a PowerPoint and 2 worksheets.
It covers the impact of technology on inequality.
It provides notes and past paper style questions and tasks.
It also provides extra questions based on the first three lessons.
It was made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE Global Citizenship using their own research and the textbook.
Global Citizenship Community Action Project Full Resource Pack
This bundle is based on Section A of the IGCSE Global Citizenship - the Community Action Project.
It contains four PowerPoints which help pupils to plan and carry out their projects.
The lessons cover choosing the project, research, views, identity links, persuasive methods, methods to evaluate and strengths and weaknesses.
It focuses on helping the pupils to answer all types of questions.
It contains model answers which pupils can adapt to suit their own projects.
There is also a revision booklet which will help pupils to practise their answers.
Global Citizenship Community Action Project Lesson 1
This PowerPoint introduces Section A of the Global Citizenship IGCSE exam - the Community Action Project.
It helps the pupils to plan their project.
It explains how to choose the correct topic.
It explains how to carry out research and defines different research sources.
It includes Past Paper questions with the mark schemes and model answers.
It was made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE Global Citizenship and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Politics and Governance L1 - Democracy
This PowerPoint defines the different types of democracy.
It allows pupils to record key definitions and notes.
There are also tasks related to the textbook.
It encourages discussion and supports extended writing.
It was made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE Global Citizenship using their own research and the textbook.
Politics and Governance Full Lesson Resource Pack – IGCSE Global Citizenship
This bundle includes all the lessons for Politics and Governance.
Each lesson includes PowerPoints and worksheets.
They cover the key information for all parts of the specification, past paper style questions and other tasks.
Names of lessons do not always match the book but still cover all of the specification.
It includes information from the textbook and other notes.
All resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE Global Citizenship and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Global Citizenship Community Action Project Lesson 2
This PowerPoint is based on Section A of the Global Citizenship IGCSE exam - the Community Action Project.
It helps the pupils to write about what they learned from research.
It helps the pupils to identify possible views on their project and write about them.
It includes Past Paper questions with the mark schemes and model answers.
It was made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE Global Citizenship and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
The Impact of WW1 on Medicine L1 – Medicine Part 4 - IGCSE History – Paper 2
This lesson includes a worksheet.
It covers the challenges for medicine because of WW1 and developments in the role of women.
It includes detailed notes, tasks and the relevant past paper questions and mark schemes for differences/similarities, causes and essays.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 2 IGCSE textbooks and summarised.
Tsarist Rule in 1905 & Reasons for Discontent – Russia Part 1 - IGCSE History – Paper 2
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the issues with the Tsar’s government and the unfairness of Russian society for peasants and workers before the 1905 Revolution. It also identifies potential revolutionary groups that would oppose the tsar.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 2 IGCSE books and 1 AS books and summarised.
The 1957 Civil Rights Act – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 2 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the reasons for and impact of the 1957 Civil Rights Act.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.
IGCSE History – Introduction
The resources can be used to introduce IGCSE history to a new class or for an Options presentation for Y9.
The PowerPoint includes the key information on topics, types of questions, timing, skills and possible careers.
The worksheet includes the types of questions for all topics.
*Note that this was made for this school’s chosen topics – Germany, US Civil Rights, Russia and Medicine. It can be edited to suit other topics.
The Challenges to the Weimar Republic 1919-23 – Germany Part 1 – IGCSE History Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and a worksheet.
It includes tasks to help pupils prepare to write an essay on any of the challenges to the Weimar Republic.
Possible question focuses – the Constitution, the Treaty of Versailles, the French Occupation of the Ruhr, Hyperinflation, the threat from the extreme left or the threat from the extreme right.
The worksheet includes planning guidance and a writing frame with paragraph checklists and cloze procedure to support essay writing.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 3 IGCSE books and 5 AS books and summarised.
Politics and Governance Lesson 10 – Human Rights - IGCSE Global Citizenship
This includes a PowerPoint for 2 lessons and worksheets.
It covers types and examples of human rights, the UDHR and UNCRC.
There is information for pupils to make notes, Past Paper questions to practise and other tasks.
It was made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE Global Citizenship and used to prepare pupils for examinations.