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Leuven scale individual assessment
This assessment allows teachers to measure the wellbeing and involvement of a child using the Leuven scale during an observation.

If I built a house literacy pack
This language pack includes:
If i built a house story Powerpoint
Adjective describing the setting
comparing two settings
Infer characters feelings

Dear Zoo Literacy pack
This pack includes:
Animal habitat matching
Fine motor skill practice
Small world cut out animals
Animal picture colouring
Size ordering
Matching animal to container
Drawing a perfect pet template

Stanley stick resource pack
This pack includes resources to support teachers in the planning for Stanley stick story. This pack includes:
Boxing story plan.
Writing review sheet
Stanley stick sequencing pictures
Different uses key
homework sheet

Year 3 amazing maths grinch fractions
This resource can be used in a year 3 franctions lesson. The grinch has a number of problems he would like you to try and help solve. all of the questions refer to fractions and using different methods to solve the problems. children will:
problem solve

Whatever next Literacy pack
Included in this pack:
Comprehension questions
Classroom vocabulary
Images from the text
Story sequencing activity
CVC word activity
Going to the moon activity
Deconstructed roll play images

Dragon Bay ay sound story
This pack includes:
Dragon bay story powerpoint
Ordering the story activity
Comprehension questions
Initial sound matching

The greedy tiger ee sound story
This pack includes:
The greedy tiger story powerpoint
Ordering the story sequencing
comprehension questions

Gruffalo story Literacy pack
This Pack includes:
initial sound matching
character descriptions
story ordering
writing own story
story map

Owl non fiction fact file pack
This pack supports planning for year 1 / 2 non fiction unit on different types of owls. The resources include:
Research task to find information on four types of owls
Information prompts to use as clAssroom resources
Template for creating their own fact file
Front cover for the fact file
Information and facts about each type of owl
Information about owl habitats.

Question keys for maths problems
question keys are a set of keys that each have a different challenge to encourage children to think about and solve problems independently. It is made up of 6 types of questions which are:
*The alternative: Find another way to solve the problem
The variations: How many ways can you…?
The question: If the answer is ___ What could the question be?
The brainstorming: Make a list of ways to make ___
The commonality: What do these have in common?
The combination: combine these ____to make a new ____

Owl babies letter writing lesson
This lesson pack is designed to support teachers planning for a letter writing lesson for the children in year 1. The children will be responding to a letter received from Bill one of the owls from the story Owl babies. Children also are provided with a self assessment tool to ensure all the key elements of a letter are included ion their writing.

instruction writing pack
This pack is designed to support teachers planning for instruction writing in year 1. in this pack you will find:
Instructions to follow
Complete the instructions worksheet
Self assessment tool with success criteria

setting description lesson
This resource is designed to support teachers plan a descriptive writing unit based on story settings. The resources included will allow children to improve a text using description, to describe a setting based on the five senses and to plan and write their own story setting.

Science- Materials year 1
This pack is designed to support teachers planning for the science unit of everyday materials in year 1. The pack contains:
Question keys to deeper understanding
Matching materials to their names
Identifying properties of materials
Every day objects and materials
material classroom hunt
material features table

widgit miss polly had a dolly sequencing
This resource is made from widgit to sequence the nursery rhyme of miss Polly had a dolly

Widgit pat - a - cake sequencing
this is a widgit made resource to sequence the nursery rhyme pat - a - cake