Differentiated worksheets A-D
2 step to 5 step inequalities.
Starter and plenary included.
Pop Quiz can be used as an assesment or homework.
Lots of repetition and scaffolded learning to show clear pupil progression. I often print the worksheet on A3 paper and get them to complete in pairs.
The power point has been attached to allow for easy changes to be made and to duplicate questions with different numbers etc.
Differentiated questions are attached on a printable word document. Colour coordinated for visual. From basic compound shapes of two rectangles, moving on to include parallelograms, triangles and trapeziums. Final challenge will include circles and problem solving. I laminated these cards and used mini whiteboards to take the children outside of the classroom.
The worksheet is further practice and is not something I created myself, but useful for consolidation as a homework. Also differentiated.