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Writing Target Year 2- Fantastic Mr Fox
Some quick and relevant activities that link to the Year 2 writing expectations. They build up in a logical order. The learning links to Fantastic Mr Fox so it is enjoyable and engaging.
I found that this is a way to get independent writing examples and evidence when you just need a little bit more.
SEND assessment writing House for Year 6
This is a writing assessment grid for SEND year 5/6 children who struggle to recongise what is needed in their writing.
The house simplifiers what they need to include using Widgits and gives the children focus. Although it does not include all that is on the Year 6 writing grid it will bridge gaps and support progress.
Writing Assessment House for Year 6
The image contains all the requirements for writing in year 6 but represented by an easy symbol for children to use as a checklist.
The bottom floor of the house is Working Towards
The middle floor is At
The top floor contains a reminder to always use their own target and for Greater Depth.
The children in our Year 5/6 classes really enjoy how the simple the house is to understand. They constantly referred to it.
Year 6 visual tool for writing assessments
A year 6 assessment tool, visual widgits easy for children to see what needs to be included in their writing.
SEND version for children working below Key stage or struggling to bridge the gap.