Tarsia puzzle focussed on both types of respiration with some prior knowledge of photosynthesis required.
Students work in pairs to match up the sides of the triangles to create the pyramid shape, ideal if printed on card and pre-cut to maximise time spent on the task.
Students really enjoy the activity and engaged with this puzzle really well!
Full lesson for ks3 galaxies: identifying, describing and comparing. Includes lesson slides which contain starter and plenary activity as well as opportunities for AFL which are highlighted on the slides. Match up activity for consolidation of learning, and main activity worksheet which involves recall and collection/interpretation of information.
Lesson designed for middle ability year 7 group but would be a great starting point for any astronomy based teaching.
Double sided A3 sheet which allows students to develop fundamental skills including calculating moles, equation balancing and RFM.
Students can then use these skills to calculate theoretical yield. This side of the sheet includes an instruction section and a worked example to support.
Lesson designed for year 8 class- fuels in the home and how to reduce energy costs.
Includes lesson slides with lesson outline and outcomes, main activity sheet with hint sheet. Starter and plenary activity.
Students practice element identification by using this sheet to reveal a picture, students identify which group an element is in and colour it the appropriate colour by using the key at the top of the page.
Great revision resource or engaging homework activity.
Differentiated questions focused on reactions: thermal decomposition and oxidation. Questions also ask students to identify elements on the periodic table.
Students are asked to RAG (red and yellow) their confidence on the topic, then collect the relevant sheet. Ensure to push HAPs by encouraging choosing the harder questions.
Format can be edited for any question sheet and can be modified to include green/mild questions but the class used for this resource was a high ability year 8 group and thus wasn't appropriate