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Mrs Green's Shop

I am a primary school teacher and have been teaching for over twenty years. I love writing and know that a good modelled write is a fantastic way to excite children with their own writing. All of my modelled writes are based on books aimed at UKS2 but can be adapted for lower year groups.

I am a primary school teacher and have been teaching for over twenty years. I love writing and know that a good modelled write is a fantastic way to excite children with their own writing. All of my modelled writes are based on books aimed at UKS2 but can be adapted for lower year groups.
Lighthouse poem

Lighthouse poem

I wrote this poem as an example of a modelled write based on a lesson from teaching Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll. Focus was using personification and from the perspective of the lighthouse. <a href=“https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/nautical-lighthouse-sea-navigation-beacon-generative-ai_39206645.htm#query=lighthouse&position=1&from_view=keyword&track=sph&uuid=6e7adb61-df84-45aa-ad21-193f65058ca6”>Image by pvproductions</a> on Freepik