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FULL UNIT - BTEC L3 Health & Social Care - Unit 1 (Human Lifespan Development)
Available here is a** FULL UNIT** worth of resources (mainly PPT’s) for Unit 1 Human Lifespan Development. This unit is part of the LEVEL 3 BTEC (Pearson) Health and Social Care programme of teaching.
All PPT’s include: Starter, LO’s, activities (also suitable for remote learning), plenary. All PPT’s include images, colourful slides, interactive tasks etc.
This set of resources runs for 11 weeks (per my own Scheme of Learning) and included two mock exams in this time (one for LAA, and an overall unit mock).
Hope you enjoy and this saves you plenty of time during these difficult times! :)

Unit 7 Principles of Safe Practice - LEARNING AIM A RESOURCES (PPT's)
The following is a full set of PPT’s for Learning aim A of Unit 7 (Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care) for the BTEC L3 (2016) Health and Social Care specification.
All PPT’s include: starters, learning objectives, activities (using a student-centered approach therefore not full of content), pleanaries, and independant study task.
PPT’s include pictures and GIFs to increase student engagement.
Week 1: Introduction to unit
Week 2: Duty of care
Week 3: Duty of care failings
Week 4: Balancing individual rights with a duty of care
Week 5: Complaints procedures
Week 6: ‘Evaluation’ session
Week 7: Review of Learning aim A
Worksheets to go alongside each activity are available in my store.

Unit 9: Infection Prevention and Control - Learning Aims A & B - Full Resources (BTEC L3 H&Sc)
PPT’s and worksheets for 4 weeks of teaching of the Unit 9 Infection Prevention and Control for BTEC L3 Health & Social Care specification. Including Learning Aims A & B.
Resources/worksheets are engaging, with in-built practical tasks for learners.
Plan of learning:
Week 1 = Intro to Unit 9 + types of microbes
Week 2 = Transmission (Netflix based)
Week 3 = Procedures to prevent infection (practical based)
Week 4 = Decontamination and assignment workshop

Unit 7 Principles of Safe Practice - KNOWLEDGE ORGANISERS (LAA, LAB LAC, LAD)
The following files are knowledge organisers for Unit 7 (BTEC L3 2016 Spec) for ALL learning aims (LAA, LAB, LAC, LAD).
Each is an A3 size document with images and summarising of concepts in line with content from the BTEC Health and Social Care book. These can be provided to students to recap knowledge, or as a consolidation tool, as well as a help sheet for assignments.

Unit 7 Principles of Safe Practice - LEARNING AIM A RESOURCES BUNDLE
A complete set of T&L resources for Unit 7 (Principles of Safe Practice in H&Sc) for LEARNING AIM A of the BTEC L3 (2016) Health and Social care Specification.
This includes: PPT’s and all worksheets using a learner-centered approach throughout.

TREATMENT/CARE PLAN TEMPLATE - Unit 14 - Physiological Disorders and their Care - BTEC L3 H&Sc
Here is a template care/treatment plan which I handed to students to complete and hand in as their Learning Aim D assessment, as per the requirements of Unit 14 Physiological Disorders (BTEC L3 Health and Social care).
This is a more student-friendly type of assessment, and learners enjoyed filling this in with their patient case studies which they make up themselves.

Unit 1 Human Lifespan Development - B3/B4/B5 - Biological, Environmental, Social and Economic Factor
L3 session planned for Learning aim B - B3 (Environmental factors), B4 (Social factors), B5 (Economic Factors) affecting development for Unti 1 Human Lifepsan Devleopment Level 3 BTEC Health and Social Care.
Session also includes some B2 - Biological factors.
Student-centered activites focusing on REMOTE SYNCHRONOUS DELIVERY with engaging visuals and minimal text on PPT slides to aid retention and ease of learning.

Nature/nurture debate - B1 Human Lifespan Development
Resources based on the Health and Social Care L3 Specification (2018).
Unit 1Human Lifespan Development
Topic: B1 The nature/nurture debate related to factors
Resources include:
-Presentation with starter, main activity (Ted Bundy serial killer), nature/nurture theories including Banduras Social learning theory, Gesell’s maturation theory, and the Stress-diathesis model with group activity.
Quick starter slip ‘what does nature/nurture mean to you’
-Theories answer sheet (for sitting duck activity)
Ted Bundy resources used for part 1 main activity were simply news articles and online informaiton for students to make judgements about whether his behvaiour was caused by either nature or nurture.

Unit 7 Principles of Safe Practice - LEARNING AIM A RESOURCES (WORKSHEETS)
The following is multiple worksheets to go with all session PPT’s for** Learning aim A** (Unit 7 - 2016 BTEC Health and Social Care Spec) which are located in my shop.
All worksheets and associated activities are based on a student-centered approach to learning - focused on the students themselves searching for information and using HOTS.

Unit 7 - Principles of Safe Practice - Task 2 Help Sheet
For use with the BTEC (2016) L3 Health and Social Care programme.
Unit 7: Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care unit. This file is a help sheet for Task 2 assignment focusing on Learning aims C + D.
This help sheet makes use of the Merryvale Case Study for learners to base their assignment upon. Case study been edited to make it more suitable for task 2 (removing case of discrimination used in task 1).