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GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.




GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.
Why did USA Enter World War1?

Why did USA Enter World War1?

The resources explains reasons USA joined World War. It shows the the German U-boat warfare and the sinking of USA ships that motivated USA to join WW1. Prepared for KS4 History.
Mussolini as a dictator in Italy, his achievements, Social and Economic Policies.

Mussolini as a dictator in Italy, his achievements, Social and Economic Policies.

This resource is made foe AS aND a/Level History European Option , Paper 4. It explains the rise of Mussolini to power in Italy, his ideas about socialism,and governance. It explains his social, military and economic policies, law and order and generally his achievements as a dictator in Italy during his period as a dictator. The resource presents a perspective , and tips on how to present argument in writing an essay on Mussolini’s achievements . It shows how to present balanced view on answering question.
The Reformation in England, and how it spread to other  countries in Europe

The Reformation in England, and how it spread to other countries in Europe

The resource explains the meaning and causes of the Reformation in England. It explains the causes, and shows why and how Henry the V111, was the main cause of the break up of Catholic Church. It explains the ideas of Protestantism, Catholicism and the Puritans .The resource explains how Edward VI,Mary 1 etc. wanted to control the church and the peoples’ faith. The resource shows the role played by Martin Luther and John Calvin as reformers. It shows how the reformation spread to other countries in Europe and the consequences of the reformation.


This resource is activity based lesson on the, Triple Alliance, Triple Entente, Morocco Crises, the Schliefen Plan and the neutrality of Belgium and Italy as the Cause of World War 1. The resource explains German aggression and the British response to the aggressive German invasion in Morocco. The resource explains the Balkan problems , The Bosnia crises , the rise of the Black hands and the Killing of Arch Duke Ferdinand of Austria, and the issuance of ultimatum to Serbia. Contains activities and illustrations, long and short term and immediate causes of W W 1.
Gustav Stresemann and the government of  Weimar  Republic

Gustav Stresemann and the government of Weimar Republic

This resource explains the successes of Gustav Stresemann between 1923 -1929. It shows his successes during his time as a Chancellor of the new founded Weimar Republic. The resource explains the domestic and foreign policies , politics and economic strategies he used to bring Weimar Republic to golden age.
Hitler Control of Culture and the Churches

Hitler Control of Culture and the Churches

This resource explains how Hitler and the Nazis controlled Churches and Culture. It shows the connection between propaganda and control, and consolidation of power. The resource contains the propaganda spider diagram to make a connection between the topic and others such as youths and children. Contains activities and class works.Prepared for IGCSE History,Germany depth study.
The Begining of the Cold War

The Begining of the Cold War

The resource is made for GCSE History Core Content. It explains the various factors that led to the Cold War and the denazification of Germany, it occupation by the allied powers and USSR, and the aftermath of the occupation. It explains USA’s Marshall Plan and other issues during the Cold War years.
The  Scramble and Partition of Africa, Colonianialism and Imperialism

The Scramble and Partition of Africa, Colonianialism and Imperialism

The resource explains the concepts of Scramble and Partition of Africa. It explains reasons for the justification of colonialism in Africa. It shows concepts such as christianity civilizing mission,etc as reasons for colonizing Africa. It explores the roles of the trade companies,as agents of imperialism. The lesson explains how slavery gave way to colonialism and imperialism, neo-colonialism in Africa.