Selling AQA A A-Level Psychology resources to help those studying for the new specification exams.
I achieved a grade A* in all A-Level Psychology papers, and am now a third year Psychology in Education student at the University of Birmingham.
Selling AQA A A-Level Psychology resources to help those studying for the new specification exams.
I achieved a grade A* in all A-Level Psychology papers, and am now a third year Psychology in Education student at the University of Birmingham.
Detailed and in-depth PowerPoint slides on the specification relating to the Psychopathology section on AQA Paper 1 for the Psychology A-Level. Detailed notes are included on the following areas:
Definitions of abnormality - statistical deviation, deviation from social norms, failure to function adequately and deviation from ideal mental health
Behavioural, cognitive and emotional characteristics of phobias
Behavioural, cognitive and emotional characteristics of depression
Behavioural, cognitive and emotional characteristics of OCD
The behaviourist approach to explaining phobias
The behaviourist approach to treating phobias
the cognitive approach to explaining depression
the cognitive approach to treating depression
the biological approach to explaining OCD
the biological approach to treating OCD
All slides include AO1 and AO3 information to help with different types of exam questions.
These resources have been made by a student who achieved a grade A* in Psychology, who is now studying Psychology in Education at the University of Birmingham.
Detailed and in-depth PowerPoint slides on the specification relating to the Approaches section on AQA Paper 2 for the Psychology A-Level. Detailed notes are included on the following areas:
The origins of Psychology
The Behaviourist approach
Social Learning Theory
The Cognitive approach
The Biological approach
The Psychodynamic approach
The Humanistic approach
All slides include AO1 and AO3 information to help with different types of exam questions.
These resources have been made by a student who achieved a grade A* in Psychology, who is now studying Psychology in Education at the University of Birmingham.
Detailed and in-depth PowerPoint slides on the specification relating to the Social influence section on AQA Paper 1 for the Psychology A-Level. Detailed notes are included on the following areas:
Types of conformity
Explanations of conformity
Asch’s research into conformity and addition research into variables affecting conformity
Conformity to social roles as investigated by Zimbardo
Milgram’s original research into obedience
Explanations of obedience - agentic state and legitimate authority
Dispositional explanations of obedience - authoritarian personality
Explanantions of resistance to social influence
The role of minority influence
The role of social influence processes in social change
All slides include AO1 and AO3 information to help with different types of exam questions.
These resources have been made by a student who achieved a grade A* in Psychology, who is now studying Psychology in Education at the University of Birmingham.
Detailed and in-depth PowerPoint slides on the specification relating to the Attachment section on AQA Paper 1 for the Psychology A-Level. Detailed notes are included on the following areas:
Caregive-infant interactions
Stages of attachment and multiple attachments
The role of the father
Animal studies of attachment
Explanations of attachment - learning theory and Bowlby’s monotropic theory
Ainsworth’s strange situation
Cultural variation in attachment
Bowlby’s theory of maternal deprivation
The effects of internalisation
The influence of early attachment types on childhood and adult relationships
All slides include AO1 and AO3 information to help with different types of exam questions.
These resources have been made by a student who achieved a grade A* in Psychology, who is now studying Psychology in Education at the University of Birmingham.
AQA A-Level Research Methods booklet: 70-page booklet with all of the relevant information for the research methods topic for AQA A-Level psychology.
I have just graduated from the University of Birmingham after studying a BSc Psychology in Education degree. I studied the AQA A-Level Psychology specification and achieved a grade A. These notes have been compiled using my own resources that I put together when studying for my a-levels, but have been updated so they’re more up to date. #psychology #alevelpsychology #researchmethods #AQA #AQAAlevelpsychology
Detailed and in-depth PowerPoint slides on the specification relating to the Biopsychology section on AQA Paper 2 for the Psychology A-Level. Detailed notes are included on the following areas:
The divisions of the nervous system
The fight or flight response
The structure and function of neurons
Types of neurons
The function of the endocrine system
Localisation of function in the brain
Plasticity die functional recovery of the brain following trauma
Split-brain research into Hemispheric Lateralisation
Ways of investigating the brain
Biological rhythms - circadian, infradian and ultradian
The effect of exogenous zeitgeibers and endogenous pacemakers
All slides include AO1 and AO3 information to help with different types of exam questions.
These resources have been made by a student who achieved a grade A* in Psychology, who is now studying Psychology in Education at the University of Birmingham.
Detailed and in-depth PowerPoint slides on specification detailed by AQA for the Issues, Debates and Approaches section of paper 3:
Slides include:
The nature-nurture debate
Culture bias
Ethical implications of research studies and theories
Gender bias
Free will and determinism
Holism and reductionism
Idiographic and nomothetic approaches
All slides include AO1 and AO3 information to help with different types of exam questions.
These resources have been made by a student who achieved a grade A* in Psychology, who is now studying Psychology in Education at the University of Birmingham.
Detailed and in-depth PowerPoint slides on 6 topics covered on the AQA A A-Level Psychology specification:
Research methods
All topics include all aspects of the specification outlined by AQA, including detail for AO1 and AO3.
These resources have been made by a student who achieved a grade A* in Psychology, who is now studying Psychology in Education at the University of Birmingham
Detailed and in-depth PowerPoint slides on 6 topics covered on the AQA A A-Level Psychology specification:
Social Influence
Research methods
Issues, debates and approaches
All topics include all aspects of the specification outlined by AQA, including detail for AO1 and AO3.
These resources have been made by a student who achieved a grade A* in Psychology, who is now studying Psychology in Education at the University of Birmingham.
Detailed and in-depth PowerPoint slides on the specification relating to the Research Methods section on AQA Paper 2 for the Psychology A-Level.
Price includes worked examples for the following stats tests; sign test, Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon, unrelated t-test, related t-test, Spearman’s rho, Pearson’s r and Chi squared.
All slides include AO1 and AO3 information to help with different types of exam questions.
These resources have been made by a student who achieved a grade A* in Psychology, who is now studying Psychology in Education at the University of Birmingham.
Detailed and in-depth PowerPoint slides on the topics covered on Paper 1 of the AQA A A-Level Psychology paper. Topics covered include:
Social Influence
All topics include all aspects of the specification outlined by AQA, including detail for AO1 and AO3.
These resources have been made by a student who achieved a grade A* in Psychology, who is now studying Psychology in Education at the University of Birmingham.
Detailed and in-depth PowerPoint slides on specification detailed by AQA for the memory section of paper 1:
Slides include:
Coding, capacity and duration in STM and LTM
The multi-store model of memory
Types of LTM
The working memory model
Explanations of forgetting - interference theory and retrieval failure
Factors that influence eyewitness testimony
Factors that influence the accuracy of EWT - the role of anxiety and misleading information
The cognitive interview
All slides include AO1 and AO3 information to help with different types of exam questions.
These resources have been made by a student who achieved a grade A* in Psychology, who is now studying Psychology in Education at the University of Birmingham.