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WW1 Science Inventions

WW1 Science Inventions

WW1 inventions: case study on Harry Brearley, youtube videos, interactive tasks, learning and success criteria included Used as part of remembrance day studies - positive things to remember from WW1
Writing Instructions for Christmas Craft Bundle

Writing Instructions for Christmas Craft Bundle

powerpoint with guidance on writing Instructions for Christmas Craft - paper chrstmas tree differentiated success criteria slips instructional writing checklist peer assessment slips links to youtube video in the ppt correct written out instructions for ease of marking
Remembrance Day PowerPoint

Remembrance Day PowerPoint

informational powerpoint on remembrance day task included to write an informational leaflet on what the children have learned about remembrance day learning intention and success criteria included
Anti-bullying Acrostic poem

Anti-bullying Acrostic poem

anti bullying acrostic poem worksheet based on the 2022 anti bullying week theme of ‘reaching out’ for help and support poem spells ‘reach out’ has a border which children can colour in
Writing Storyboards PowerPoint

Writing Storyboards PowerPoint

A short powerpoint on an introduction of how to write storyboards - learning and success criteria included can be used as part of literacy for language and writing skills children can create their own storyboard on a blank piece of A4 paper, or templates are readily available on google
My Emotions Workbook

My Emotions Workbook

21 page health and wellbeing workbook filled with activities and lesson ideas based on emotions, kindness, gratitude, self-regulation and more, based on the pixar movie ‘Inside Out’ word document with the relevant links needed for videos for each activity
Scratch Coding Bundle

Scratch Coding Bundle

Introductory powerpoint with 10 different aspects of coding within Scratch software with video links. This can be taught as one quick input - or have 10 individual lesson plans. Detailed instruction print outs for use in ICT. Success criteria checklists to allow the children to self assess their progress in Scratch software.