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Welcome to my selection of Geography resources for KS3 and KS4. Please feel free to suggest topics that you would like covered by email to gsenior1968@gmail.com




Welcome to my selection of Geography resources for KS3 and KS4. Please feel free to suggest topics that you would like covered by email to gsenior1968@gmail.com
Uneven Development in an LEDC - Malawi : AQA GCSE

Uneven Development in an LEDC - Malawi : AQA GCSE

This presentation explores the reasons why levels of development can vary between areas of the same country using Malawi as an example. It looks at patterns of poverty across the country, comparing urban areas with rural ones and considers projections for population growth and malnourishment. It looks at squatter settlements on the urban fringe such as Chatata and at the plight of masses of young unemployed who are resorting to working in the informal sector selling, among other things, biscuits, phone cards and cooking oil.
Foreign Investment in South Africa - AQA GCSE

Foreign Investment in South Africa - AQA GCSE

This presentation introduces the benefits and drawbacks that come from promoting foreign investment in order to speed up the process of development. There is a little quiz that relates to TNC logos; the lesson then goes on to consider how countries can benefit from working together using the examples of Chinese and British investment in South Africa over the years. The lesson is aimed specifically at students doing the GCSE AQA Geography course, most of whom will be 14-16 years old. There are suitably pitched tasks and engaging pictures.
Aid and Development: AQA GCSE

Aid and Development: AQA GCSE

This presentation looks at different types of aid and asks whether, on some occasions, donor countries are really being as generous as it first seems! It presents a table of the different types of aid with examples before going on to look at one long-term aid project in greater detail - the Nurturing Change Project in Narok County in South-West Kenya. Students are asked to consider the benefits of the project, specifically how it might help to close the Development Gap across Kenya. The presentation also features a WorldMapper map showing global patterns of maternal mortality. There are a number of tasks and useful images in this presentation.
The Changing Economic World Bundle - AQA GCSE

The Changing Economic World Bundle - AQA GCSE

13 Resources
This set of fifteen presentations covers all of the unit known as The Changing Economic World in AQA’s 9-1 GCSE Geography Syllabus. This is a part of Challenges in the Human Environment. There is enough material here for 15-20 hours teaching, all linked directly to the requirements of the specification.
Glaciation in the UK

Glaciation in the UK

8 Resources
This bundle is a collection of eight lessons that satisfies the requirements of the optional unit on glaciation in the UK for AQA’s 9-1 GCSE Geography syllabus. Case studies include Snowdonia and the Isle of Skye.
Wimbledon Geography: We're in the money

Wimbledon Geography: We're in the money

This lesson is an introduction to economic geography that uses the Wimbledon Championships as a case study. Students get to consider the costs and benefits of running the tournament and draw up a simple balance sheet. The lesson covers different types of work (seasonal, temporary, paid, voluntary etc.) and gets students thinking about who the producers and consumers of the services are at the tournament. There is a role play exercise in which two people argue about the cost of going to the tournament and some longer essay questions to extend more able learners and provide homework opportunties.
Hot Deserts: Causes of Desertification

Hot Deserts: Causes of Desertification

This resource looks at desertification in the Sahel region. It explores the difference between the nomadic lifestyles of the true desert dwellers and the more settled lives of people living on the fringes of the desert. It looks at the causes and consequences of desertification and involves a group work task.
Goal Setting with Post-16 Students

Goal Setting with Post-16 Students

This presentation was designed to be used with Year 12 students who were beginning to think about Post-18 choices and the possibility of studying at university. It gets students to think about their aspirations and to create ambitious, realistic and ‘insurance’ pathways to motivate them in their studies at Key Stage 5.
Population Crossword

Population Crossword

This crossword puzzle has fifteen clues, all of which relate to population. Ideal to use as an activity to get your lesson started or to fill on those awkward few minutes at the end. Includes a separate sheet with the answers.
Hot Deserts: An Introduction

Hot Deserts: An Introduction

This is an introduction to the topic of hot deserts which features a map showing their location, some information about their physical features and how meerkats are designed to thrive in the environment.
KS3 Baseline Assessment

KS3 Baseline Assessment

This is a straightforward and easily marked baseline assessment to give to students on entry to Year 7. It tests the knowledge of places, simple maps skills, the ability to observe and describe a landscape and students' capacity for thinking geographically.
The Middle Course of a River: AQA GCSE

The Middle Course of a River: AQA GCSE

This resource covers variations in the speed of flow within the river channel and the resulting landforms. It mentions slip-off slopes, river cliffs, helicoidal flow, the erosion of the bluff line and the formation of ox-bow lakes. There is a field sketching exercise that is integral to the lesson and some further activities.
KS3 Geography - Whole Year Seven Scheme of Work

KS3 Geography - Whole Year Seven Scheme of Work

This Scheme of Work was written as the Geography department's contribution to the Combined Humanities course that the school saw fit to run at the time. The themes imposed on us were Difference, Movement, Authority, Rights and Environment which, for us, gave the topics Brazil, Settlement, Map Studies, Football and the Leisure Industry and Water Supply. There are ideas here for over sixty lessons, some spelled out in more detail than others. All lessons have stated aims, resources, activities, outcomes and possible homework.
River Management: The River Lune

River Management: The River Lune

This presentation looks at the different strategies that are used to manage the flood risk that is posed by the River Lune in Lancashire. It looks at why the Lune needs to be managed and the details of the Lune Catchment Flood Management Plan, which include building a limited amount of hard engineering structures, flood plain zoning, flood risk mapping, Operation Floodline and ways of raising public awareness. There are some images, including clear mapping of the Lune’s drainage basin and a series of tasks for students to complete.
Atmospheric Hazards Bundle

Atmospheric Hazards Bundle

8 Resources
This bundle contains all the lessons needed to teach the atmospheric hazards element of the AQA 9-1 Geography GCSE. That’s complete coverage of the global circulation, tropical storms and their management with a case study about Typhoon Haiyan, lessons on climate change and how it is being managed and examples of extreme weather in the UK.
Development - Barriers and Boosters: AQA GCSE

Development - Barriers and Boosters: AQA GCSE

This presentation looks at the different rates at which countries develop. It explores the physical, economic, social and political reasons why some countries speed along 'Development Road' in the fast lane while others remain 'broken down' on the hard shoulder. There are a number of striking images and statistics included in this presentation.
Towards More Sustainable Industry in the UK - AQA GCSE

Towards More Sustainable Industry in the UK - AQA GCSE

This presentation explores exactly what it is about traditional manufacturing that people concerned for the environment are worried about. It looks at a company called PTFS Europe as an example of good practice when it comes to sustainable and environmentally friendly business practices. Finally, it considers how roads, rail, ports and airports can be improved to accommodate the increasing volumes of raw and manufactured goods that are being exported all over the world. The presentation includes stimulating images and questions for pairs, small groups and individual work.
The Geography of Wimbledon

The Geography of Wimbledon

4 Resources
Although they have been cancelled for 2020 you can still teach about the Geography of Wimbldeon during lockdown. Here are four complete lessons about The Championships at Wimbledon - as seen by a geographer. Issues discussed include waste management, sustainability, economic geography, explaining the rain and weather forecasting. You can have these four lessons for £5.99.
Energy from the Desert

Energy from the Desert

This resource looks at the challenges faced by people whose job it is to extract oil from beneath the desert sands or construct vast solar farms in the Sahara. Students are challenged to think about what problems they might have setting up an oil rig in the heart of the desert and are introduced to some of the controversies surrounding the consortium Desertec. This lesson fits part of the AQA 9-1 Geography specification section on hot deserts.
Introducing India: Travel Magazine Task

Introducing India: Travel Magazine Task

This is a complete lesson for introducing India to classes in KS2 and KS3. It includes a link to a video, from which students take notes about human and physical features of the country and asks students to imagine that they are a travel writer, working for an imaginary company called ‘Indian Inspirations’, A prompt slide gives examples of the place names, features and describing words they could use. The template is included for their submission to the editor, which is 200 words of copy for an introductory page in a travel brochure.