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Senior Examiner
11+ Comprehension and Language Analysis plus MODEL ANSWERS

11+ Comprehension and Language Analysis plus MODEL ANSWERS

For the 11+ and Year 5 and 6 examinations, langauge analysis is a crucial skill that needs to be teased out. I have developed the PowerPoint to go through general advice, the key skills needed through isolated examples, and then analysis through key phrases from the extract. There is a particular emphasis on the command word ‘How’ and what to do when phased with such a word. Based on Chapter 1 from Holes - extract attached with starter questions
11+ Comprehension and Creative Writing Mock Exam

11+ Comprehension and Creative Writing Mock Exam

An 11+ entrance examination paper (English) that will give students a flavour for the type and style of questions. Can be used for both Grammar and Private exams. A challaneging yet accesbible extract. The creative writing includes my Copyright Protected marking grid to help mark and grade the creative writing.