All resources

Phase 5 Resource Pack
Phase 5 resource pack with everything you will need to teach Phase 5 phonics.
Grapheme flashcards
High frequency word flashcards
Common exception word flashcards
Sentences (9)
Yes / No question cards (10)
Trash or treasure game (12 real words and 12 nonsense words)
Picture - word match (20 pictures and words)
Sentence substitution mats (5)
Also I sell these resources pre-made - check out my ebay shop.

Phase 4 Resource Pack
Phase 4 resource pack with everything you will need to teach Phase 4 phonics.
Initial and final flashcards
High frequency word flashcards
Common exception word flashcards
Sentences (9)
Yes / No question cards (10)
Trash or treasure game (12 real words and 12 nonsense words)
Picture - word match (20 pictures and words)
Sentence substitution mats
Also I sell these resources pre-made - check out my ebay shop.

Year 1 Measure Resources
7 differentiated worksheets for the teaching of measure in year 1. including length, weight and capacity. PPT included and some ideas for homework.

Key Stage 1 (Year 2) SATs practice (disney)
4 workbooks based on the end of Key Stage 1 SaTs.
2 Wreck-it-Ralph workbooks of reading comprehension questions in the style of SaTs questions. 1 LA workbook (or HA Year 1s) and 1 MA/HA workbook.
2 Frozen workbooks of amths questions in the style of SaTs questions. 1 LA workbook (or HA Year 1s) and 1 MA/HA workbook.
Also included - reading comprehension using Tangled.

Year 1 Fraction Resources
10 differentiated worksheets for the teaching of fractions in year 1. Including PPTs.

Phase 2, Phase 3, Phase 4 & Phase 5 Resources
Phase 2 pack:
Grapheme flashcards
High frequency word flashcards
Common exception word flashcards
Captions (18)
Trash or treasure game (12 real words and 12 nonsense words)
Picture - word match (20 pictures and words)
Phase 3:
Grapheme flashcards
High frequency word flashcards
Common exception word flashcards
Captions (9)
Sentences (9)
Yes / No question cards (10)
Trash or treasure game (12 real words and 12 nonsense words)
Picture - word match (20 pictures and words)
Phase 4:
Initial and final flashcards
High frequency word flashcards
Common exception word flashcards
Sentences (9)
Yes / No question cards (10)
Trash or treasure game (12 real words and 12 nonsense words)
Picture - word match (20 pictures and words)
Sentence substitution mats
Phase 5:
Grapheme Initial flashcards
High frequency word flashcards
Common exception word flashcards
Sentences (9)
Yes / No question cards (10)
Trash or treasure game (12 real words and 12 nonsense words)
Picture - word match (20 pictures and words)
Sentence substitution mats

Phase 2 Resource Pack
Phase 2 resource pack with everything you will need to teach Phase 2 phonics.
Grapheme flashcards
High frequency word flashcards
Common exception word flashcards
Captions (18)
Trash or treasure game (12 real words and 12 nonsense words)
Picture - word match (20 pictures and words)
Also I sell these resources pre-made - check out my ebay shop.

Phase 3 Resource Pack
Phase 3 resource pack with everything you will need to teach Phase 3 phonics.
Grapheme flashcards
High frequency word flashcards
Common exception word flashcards
Captions (9)
Sentences (9)
Yes / No question cards (10)
Trash or treasure game (12 real words and 12 nonsense words)
Picture - word match (20 pictures and words)
Also I sell these resources pre-made - check out my ebay shop.

Year 1 Money Lessons
4 differentiated lessons on the teaching of money in Year 1.
Also included a PPT for introducing the topic.

Alphablocks Phase 2 Jigsaw
All of the phase 2 graphemes of the Alphablocks on jigsaw pieces for you to make words.

Phase 2 - 5 High Frequency Words HFW
A ppt of all high frequency words in order. With a dinosaur theme.

Phonics Journals Phase 2-5
Phonics Journals to record phonics work in.
Phase 2, Phase 3, Phase 4 & Phase 5 workbooks.