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Science Keyword Alphabet Display
A-Z alphabet used to display in science labs
Contains various keywords and definitions from the Biology GCSE scheme of work.
26 pages
.pdf file

Large Periodic Table Wall Display
Periodic Table Wall Display
AQA GCSE Periodic Table
Contains the atomic mass and atomic numbers that students will use in their GCSE
When printed on A5 the display will measure approximately 1.5m (H) x 2.7m (W).
90 pages
.pdf file
.docx file (which you can edit or adjust colour)

GCSE Biology: The Eye
PowerPoint and worksheet for the eye and accommodation. This resource can be used as a complete lesson or as a basis to create your lesson.
Pupils are shown a diagram of an eye, prior knowledge can be tested by asking pupils to label any structures they recognise. Pupils must learn the function of each of these structures.
The next part of the lesson focuses on the pupil reflex. The PowerPoint explains the pupil reflex. This is followed why a short written activity explaining the changes to pupil size in response to light.
The last activity is looking at how light is focused on the retina by the lens, pupils are shown a diagram of how this works. There is a quick written assessment task to explain how blurred vision is corrected.
A worksheet is attached to consolidate learning.
If you have any questions/issues please contact me through instagram @biologywithkris before leaving feedback. Thanks!

GCSE Biology: Kidney function, dialysis & transplants
This resource can be used as a complete lesson or a basis to create your lesson.
There are 2 PowerPoints to this resource.
Kidney structure and function
Dialysis and transplants
This resource covers the function of the kidney, nephron and the role of ADH in osmoregulation. This also includes practical information for testing urine for glucose and protein and questions for deeper thinking.
If you have any questions or issue please message me on instagram @biologywithkris before leaving feedback. Thanks!

GCSE Biology: Microscopes
This resource can be used as a complete lesson or a basis to creating your lesson.
The lesson begins with testing prior knowledge from KS3 by labeling the parts of a light microscope.
This is followed by the method to correctly use a microscope. This can used in lesson before having students use microscopes. There is then sort activity to put the steps in the correct order. It’s important that students know how to correctly use a microscope and identify any errors when doing so.
The PowerPoint also define magnification and resolution as well as how to adjust the magnification and resolution of an image.
A Venn diagram activity will allow students to compare light microscopes with electron microscopes.
If you have any questions or issues please message me through instagram @biologywithkris before leaving feedback. Thanks!