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Drama Stage Combat SoW
A PowerPoint Scheme of work on stage combat. Descriptions of the various techniques are in the notes of each slide. It is designed as eight lessons, but could be made longer by splitting up some of the categories into multiple weeks or if they need extra weeks for writing and practicing.
The unit covers:
Tumbles (though this is only recommended if you have crash pads or gymnastics mats for them to use)
And then the last half is writing a short scene and performing it.
Since first posting on TES some of the original videos were removed, so I updated the slides for the lessons. I also added the success criteria I use to assess each lesson.
Blue Remembered Hills Drama Scheme
This is a five lesson scheme of work, originally made for year 9 students but easily used with KS4 as well. It goes through the script of Blue Remembered Hills by Dennis Potter while also looking at theatre practitioner Emma Rice. The download includes 5 powerpoint presentations (one for each lesson) and an assessment sheet for the final performance (this sheet has a Welsh/English version as well). Each lesson has a starter activity in which the kids copy down a quote and write an interpretation of it that I used as a quiet activity while kids are coming in and the register is being taken. This can be easily skipped.
Fashion History and Design
This scheme of work includes 5 lessons that cover fashion history from ancient Egypt up through the 1990’s. It compares historical fashion to what is seen in film and encourages discussion about why costume designers choose to design costumes that are often not historically accurate. After each lesson I asked the students to design a costume from any of the time periods covered that day, and to say if it is accurate or inaccurate and why they chose to do it that way.
It is a lot packed into 5 PowerPoints, there are notes under most slides so you can provide information to go with the photos.
This was done for a creative industries class.
Dungeons and Drama - Drama Improv SoW
This is an eight lesson scheme of work designed to resemble popular tabletop RPGs. It puts a lot of focus on Improv games and skills as well as looking at status. The SoW includes a printable workbook for pupils to use to create characters, as well as a starter task for each lesson. There is a PP for each lesson.
The lessons start with character and world creation, and then move onto improv in character with different scenarios given to class. They move through a storyline starting with a few items they find on a shipwreck.