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Ideology, Conservatism

Ideology, Conservatism

The basic of the Conservatism theory, for A-level, aqa, ideology, Government and Politics, but applicable to other exam boards.
A level Gov & Pol, Feminism

A level Gov & Pol, Feminism

In depth powerpoint with detailed sections on feminist key thinkers, types of feminism, debates on the definition of feminism, and how it has evolved over time. exam board- AQA (applicable to other exam boards) Topic- Ideology, feminism A level Government and politics
Liberalism A level Gov & Pol

Liberalism A level Gov & Pol

Liberalism ideology, notes from Andrew Heywoods textbook on ideology (strongly recommend for any A level pol student). focus on concepts, key thinkers and debate between classical and modern liberalism. AQA exam board (applicable to others) A level Government and Politics