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Primary Lower Key Stage 2 class teacher.
History - Ancient Egypt Year3/4

History - Ancient Egypt Year3/4

A fun and interactive unit of work with 6 lessons. I can find out about ancient Egyptian life by looking at artefacts. I can understand what was important to people during ancient Egyptian times. I can understand and explain the ancient Egyptian ritual of mummification. I can understand how evidence can give us different answers about the past. I can compare and contrast the Egyptian writing with my own. I can compare and contrast the powers of different Egyptian gods. Skills: Historical Interpretations look at more than two versions of the same event or story in history and identify differences; investigate different accounts of historical events and be able to explain some of the reasons why the accounts may be different. Historical Investigations Use a range of sources to find out about the past; A1 construct informed responses about one aspect of life or a key event in the past through careful selection and organisation of relevant historical information; Chronological Understanding understand that a timeline can be divided into BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini). Knowledge and Understanding of Events, People and Changes in the Past find out about the everyday lives of people in time studied compared with our life today explain how people and events in the past have influenced life today; aspects and events of the time studied; describe connections and contrasts between aspects of history, people, events and artefacts studied. Presenting, Organising and Communicating use and understand appropriate historical vocabulary to communicate information such as ruled, reigned, empire, invasion, conquer, kingdoms; present, communicate and organise ideas about the past using models, drama role play and different genres of writing including letters, recounts, poems, adverts, diaries, posters and guides; start to present ideas based on their own research about a studied period.