Jodie-kaye's Shopcreating useful resources and displays to be used for all ages.Edit shopAdd a resource
jodie-kayeAttendance Poster(0)Displays the impact of school absence percentages converted into days, weeks and lessons missed from school.
jodie-kayeShakespeare Facts Poster(0) Image of William Shakespeare Image of globe theatre Shakespeare Facts Cartoon representations of famous playwrights
jodie-kayeDance Skills Poster(0)Dance Skills Poster with key words for Physical, Technical, Expressive and Mental skills required for Dance. Best use for KS4.
jodie-kayeCelebrities in History - Why Study History at University(0)Popular celebrities who studied history at University - to promote higher education in History with famous faces!
jodie-kayeTop 100 Reads - Have you read these books?(0)Top 100 reads “as voted by teachers”. List taken from tes article
jodie-kayeANIMAL TESTING(0)Displaying the brands which do/don’t use animal testing for their products. Will this make you think twice about which brands you use?
jodie-kayeSignpost Poster(0)‘Where will your reading take you?’ Poster with well-known fictional locations. Testing knowledge on both classic and recent famous books.