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Memory & Storage revision pack
Collection pack of fill in the gaps, quizzes, advantages/ disadvantages/ pros/ cons exercises plus a knowledge organiser revision mat
GCSE Computer Science OCR
1.2 – Memory and storage
1.2.1 Primary storage (Memory)
1.2.2 Secondary storage
1.2.3 Units
Units Quiz Which is Bigger Units Storage.ppsx
Virtual Memory.htm
Cloud Definition & Examples.htm
Cloud Storage Pros Cons.docx
Knowledge Organiser Revision Mat.pptx
RAM & ROM.htm
RAM & ROM.ppsx
Secondary Storage.htm
Storage Advantages Disadvantages Storage.pptx
Storage Characteristics.htm

IDE key terms PowerPoint Quiz OCR Computer Science GCSE
PowerPoint Quiz
GCSE Computer Science OCR
2.5 Programming languages and Integrated Development Environments
2.5.2 The Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Common tools and facilities available in an Integrated
Development Environment (IDE):
o Editors
o Error diagnostics
o Run-time environment
o Translators

Computational Thinking PowerPoint Quiz
Computational Thinking PowerPoint Quiz
GCSE Computer Science OCR
2.1 Algorithms
2.1.1 Computational thinking
Algorithmic thinking

Constants and variables PowerPoint Quiz
Constants and variables PowerPoint Quiz
GCSE Computer Science OCR
2.2 Programming fundamentals
2.2.1 Programming fundamentals
The use of variables, constants