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Chord Charts & Progressions | Guitar, Uke, Keyboard, Notation
Perfect for getting your students engaged with instruments.
This sheet shows chords, letter names, musical notation, and how to play these chords on Keyboard, Ukulele and Guitar.
Chord Progression
8 popular chord progressions which include the chord names, numerals, and how to play them on Keyboard, Ukulele and Guitar.
Music Keyword Posters - 86 Pages!
Music Keywords Posters in Editable format
Placeholder for your own school logo (to make it look like all your own work!)
86 Pages in total - 1 Keyword per page with description.
Basic Drum kit rhythms worksheet
Twelve Drum kit rhythms from basic to intermediate in 4/4 time. Includes drum notation and graphic matrix to be accessible to all students. Suggest you laminate these and make into a flip book to live on your drum kit for students to use.