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Mr M's English Resources

My resources are tried and tested in the classroom; I have found that they provide both challenge and enjoyment for the pupils whom I have taught, as well as those I currently teach. Having taught for a number of years - both in the UK and internationally - I know that it can be difficult to teach from a resource that you haven't created. That's why I make my resources comprehensive and as easy to follow as possible. Thanks, Mr M




My resources are tried and tested in the classroom; I have found that they provide both challenge and enjoyment for the pupils whom I have taught, as well as those I currently teach. Having taught for a number of years - both in the UK and internationally - I know that it can be difficult to teach from a resource that you haven't created. That's why I make my resources comprehensive and as easy to follow as possible. Thanks, Mr M
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Ch. 1 & 2

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Ch. 1 & 2

Lesson 1 contains activities and questions which look at the first chapter, ‘The Boy Who Lived’ (the differences between the Muggle world and the wizarding world, meeting Dumbledore etc.) Lesson 2 contains activities and questions which look at the second chapter, ‘The Vanishing Glass’ (introudction to Harry, questions on the visit to the zoo, creative writing prompts). There is also a separate worksheet with an image of Harry and space to copy quotes which relate to his appearance.
Jaws DVD Cover: Reimagined- Description & Analysis

Jaws DVD Cover: Reimagined- Description & Analysis

This lesson comes from the ‘Jaws’ unit which is available to buy in my shop. The first resource allows pupils to analyse the original DVD cover. The second attachment is a blank template which allows pupils to attempt their own, original DVD cover for which they then have to justify their creative choices. There is also a PowerPoint to accompany the lesson.
Glasgow 5 March 1971 - Essay Plan

Glasgow 5 March 1971 - Essay Plan

A resource designed to help pupils respond to the following task: ‘Choose a poem that contains a strong message, or messages. By referring to poetic techniques, show how the author conveys his strong message to the reader.’
Persuasive Language & Techniques - 'The PERSUADER'

Persuasive Language & Techniques - 'The PERSUADER'

This is an excellent resource which encompasses a variety of persuasive technqiues on one page. The table includes the technqiues listed below, covering the possible effect(s) of each technique with advice on how to analyse. I have also included two edited versions: one of which is simplified and another which is essentially a template which gives pupils the opportunity to fill in the effect column on their own. P-ersonal pronouns E-motive language R-hetorical question S-tatistics and facts U-sing authority figures A-lliteration D-etail E-xaggeration/hyperbole R-epetition/ rule of 3
100 Lesson Starters

100 Lesson Starters

Grouped with similar tasks, there are over 100 lesson starters across 8 PowerPoints. They are designed as short activites to help settle your class e.g. unscrambling words/sentences, vocabulary work, cloze passages, proof-reading etc.
Senior Phase RUAE Booklet (Close Reading)

Senior Phase RUAE Booklet (Close Reading)

This booklet covers all aspects of textual analysis from imagery, tone and context, to word choice and word order. At 44 pages, the booklet contains guidance on structuring answers, good/bad examples, practice questions etc.
Trash - Essay Plan and Examples Focusing on Rat

Trash - Essay Plan and Examples Focusing on Rat

There are four attachments: A Powerpoint with structural help, scaffolded activities and examples An information sheet which gives a clear picture of Rat’s character A sheet with illustrative quotes and prompt questions A differentiated essay plan (cloze-passage style)
'Lamb to the Slaughter' by Roald Dahl

'Lamb to the Slaughter' by Roald Dahl

This is a bundle of resources (16 in total) which include worksheets, differentiated work, comprehension questions and activities, as well as a variety of planned assessment options. There is more than you would ever need included in this pack, allowing for teacher/student personalisation throughout the unit.
Jaws- Full Media Unit

Jaws- Full Media Unit

This Unit includes: Activities based around cinemtatic techniques (mise-en-scene, sound, camera shots & angles) Analysis of key scenes Analysis of key characters Critical essay question and guidance
'The Boxer' - Full Unit (Poetry)

'The Boxer' - Full Unit (Poetry)

This unit provides step-by-step analysis of ‘The Boxer’ with a range of activities and tasks. The unit culminates in an essay which offers a question, structure and examples as additional scaffolding.
'The Pedestrian' by Ray Bradbury (Resource Pack)

'The Pedestrian' by Ray Bradbury (Resource Pack)

This bundle includes: Vocab revision Textual Analysis questions (17 in total, split into different sections covering setting, character etc.) Differentiated Textual Analysis questions Textual Analysis mark scheme Exemplars Essay Plans